Thursday, October 31, 2019
European Union Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 7
European Union Law - Essay Example This paper takes a stand that for the EU to achieve success in meeting its objectives, its laws and directives have to be supreme over the laws and directives of member states. The principles of the supremacy of the EU denote that, the laws of the European Union are supreme when compared to the laws of the member states. The European Court of Justice introduced this doctrine in 1964, however, to date; it is still controversial with some states arguing against its adoption. This is because of the concept of sovereignty, which allows member states to have a right of determining their laws, without influence from foreign powers. However, there are a number of reasons given, in support of the principles of the EU law2. One of these principles is that, there would be uneven application of laws, if this principle does not exist. This is unacceptable within the European Union, mainly because it has the capability of threatening and compromising the legal system of the European Union. Another reason is based on the doctrines of the direct effect which was created by the European Union Court of Justice. This doctrine denotes that certain provisions of the European Laws are directly applicable to the national laws of member states, without any other enactments3. This is beneficial to the member states, mainly because it creates uniformity in the application of laws, hence promoting the objectives and mission of the European Union. The concept or principle of the EU supremacy has never been expressly identified in any of the treaties that form the European Union. This concept was developed by the European Court of Justice through a series of very important rulings and judgments. However, the most important case responsible for introducing this concept of supremacy of EU laws is the case of Costa vs. ENEL4. According to this case, the judges denoted that a directly applicable, secondary or primary European law will prevail
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Implications for HR Practices in Other Companies LIKE Research Paper
Implications for HR Practices in Other Companies LIKE - Research Paper Example HR Lessons from A similar company in online retailing is It has been in operation for only two years, so it has a lot to learn in terms of having a clear-cut organizational culture. took the time to define what its company culture is, and then made sure that all individuals who worked for it fit into the culture. Everything else that they did was an offshoot of this parameter (Palmeri, 2009). Therefore, can learn from this company by doing the same. They must decide on the values and norms that will help them achieve their goals. Once this is done, then the organization can focus on other strategic elements. may also emulate the extent to which organizational culture is a personal responsibility for all staff at Zappos. Modcloth treats organizational culture as a human-resource issue yet Zappos takes a totally different approach. Zappos prefers to hold everyone accountable for the maintenance of their culture. Individuals often work towards this component in every aspect of their jobs. This culture is captured in ten statements that include â€Å"Being adventurous and creative," â€Å"being humble†and â€Å"pursuing growth." The proactive nature in which Zappos diffuses its values may also be used by managers in They should not just expect their employees to discover their values independently. Training for new workers should involve learning about the company’s style. can benefit from teaching employees explicitly about these issues before they allow workers to interact with clients. is a highly successful cosmetics online retailer. Its HR practices, however, do not mirror this new-age approach. Their hiring process is something that needs improvement. It normally carries out a technical recruitment process with a little focus on organizational culture. focuses on a person’s fit with the company culture during recruitment. The y believe that possessing technical skills will not yield substantial results if these cannot translate into their values. Therefore, they do not compromise on it. Hiring processes usually last for a relatively long time. The firm expects job candidates to attend at least one departmental and company event as interviews continue. This leads to the appreciation of organizational values. Sometimes some recruitment processes may last for up to four months (Inghilleri & Solomon, 2010). In Zappos’ recruitment, interviewers often ask six questions that are likely to determine the person’s behavior. Usually, these questions are meant to assess the extent to which a candidate’s behavior fits in with the company culture. However, some parts of the interview will also look at the applicant’s skills. Sephora can learn a lot from these hiring practices. First, they must hire for their core values. Secondly, they must have a structure to follow when recruiting. Sephor usually leaves aspects of the hiring process in the hands of professionals, and what they decide is the final word on the matter. This means that transparency is a challenge. has a highly transparent hiring process. Once an interview has been completed, the interviewer is expected to vote on whether the candidate should be hired or not. These individuals often enter their feedback into a computer. They are also supposed to give explanations for why
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Celebrities and Politics
Celebrities and Politics Politics have merged with showbiz affairs. The sense of public service have gone down since showbiz personalities started running for political positions even though they do not have the knowledge when it comes to politics. Having politicians coming from the showbiz sector can be disadvantageous. There are many candidates that are unfit for the position and the Philippine society should be more careful in choosing competent leaders. Introduction Having politicians coming from the showbiz sector can be disadvantageous for the Philippines. The Philippines society knows that Politics and Showbiz are two different things. Politics: having the authority or power where government officials use their knowledge to formulate and apply a policy and they have this common knowledge that the purpose of showbiz is to entertain us. They see a celebrity personality getting dragged down to different scandals in which media of course is responsible for exposing it. When people from the showbiz sector started their campaign for political positions their most common reason is to get more famous or get richer. It is unfortunate to know that the scandalous world of showbiz is merging with the busy world of politics knowing that most of the candidates do not have any political science in their background. The Philippines should brace itself for the busy-scandalous world of showbiz politics. Statement of the Problem These are the possible reasons on why showbiz artists are running for politics: They want to run because they want to be more famous. They want to run because being in the political position they can get more money. Celebrities mostly have more concern on their career by running for political positions they will have more responsibility therefore losing focus on the important matter. Significance of the Study This study aims to discuss the disadvantages of having people coming from the showbiz sector to running into political positions this study will explain different factors. This will help in informing what the possible effects of having celebrities in politics are. Politics and Showbiz Most people know that politics and showbiz are no strange bedfellows with so many politicians foraying into showbiz and vice-versa. A sport, however, is no strange bedfellow to both politics and showbiz, as many sports people or athletes are active in both. Entertainment personalities seem determined to compete with established politicians for positions of power in government, from the municipal council all the way to the halls of Congress. Could it be that celebrities have come to terms with the realities of politics in the country? Have they become as smart and knowledgeable compared to those who have been in mainstream politics for quite some time? Or have they learned to play the twist and turn game in politics and therefore ready to cast their lot in what has traditionally been the domain of the highly influential ruling class? We can clearly see that the political link between entertainment and politics is not new in the Philippines (Daval, 2012). The media has always been a major player in Philippine elections. It has a considerable influence on the electoral process which could make or unmake any candidate. The power of television is also seen in its ability to imitated images and illusions that resonates with viewers since entertainment is often the subject of our conversations as it gives reflections of our daily lives. It has always been a part of election campaign by the political parties the used of celebrity stars with big names by making them to entertain voters in the political rallies of election campaigns. The Philippine society has been considered being an entertainment obsessed culture as celebrities have been marked so deeply in the societies collective minds as a persuasive force which could convince voters to change their minds about their favored candidates and certain political issues (Free Essays, 2012). The society bases their decisions on what they see on television because television has blinded them with false notoriety, and mostly false publications. In showbiz, as in politics, there are family dynasties. Royal families they are called. There have been so many political issues in the country these past few years. From impeachment hearings, meetings, debates or even campaigns, one thing is very much certain someone has to be the face of TV. Its like a reality show of finding the newest it boy or girl. Some of them started out as an unknown to the public eye and became a sensation overnight. They could imagine a director saying to them the camera loves your face (Vrank, 2012). Politics has its end, or goal, not only knowledge but action. The Politics as a whole is a hand-book for statesmen and lawgivers. Politics is addressed to those in power, not to those seeking power (Ackrill Judson, 1999). The role of politics is for the establishment of equal and just society under the governance of Politicians who has a good background in political science they are elected by the people whom they wish to govern knowing that they have a clean reputation and can keep promises for the common good. Politicians have become celebrities, and politics connected with the entertainment industry, has become much more complex. For the confluence of the world of politics and showbiz signals the collapse of some social categories. The entrance of showbiz values, techniques, and personalities into politics means the celebritization of politics (Combs, 1984). A celebrity is in the prestige business, since he or she is someone who at the moment has been successful in being famous. They are famous because we have learned that they are famous and when we no longer learn that they are no longer famous and disappear. The celebrity depends for his or her existence as a popular personage on us acting as interested spectators of the celebrated and their world (Combs, 1991). This is one of the reasons on why celebrities are running for politics; to get more exposure since their career is fading that have turned over a new life we might say A new chapter in their lives. Popular Culture seems at first glance non-political, but this does not mean that is has nothing to do with politics. And even though what we usually think of as politics-the comings and goings of Presidents, the deliberation of Congress, decisions of the Supreme Court also seems on face to have little to do with popular culture, on reflection we can discover relationships that are significant if subtle (Combs, 1991). Sometimes, the society thinks that showbiz is totally different but that was in the past. Now, at the dawn of the new age the two different cultures are merging into one since they have the power to influence other in terms of connection or power. But perhaps rely is too strong a word. Still, theres no denying the fact that in this country, celebrity endorsements have helped many a politician win. Too many cases even celebrities themselves have been voted into public office that they have little to show beyond their showbiz credibility (Jimeno Sabangan, 2010). Politics might be sometimes corrupt, but respectable politicians did represent an ideal of material and moral probity. Certainly the idea of, say, an actor becoming President would have been unthinkable. Even today many people feel that the dignity and authority of government has been debased by the introduction of showbiz into it (Combs, 1984). But our love of showbiz probably made it inevitable. We like glamour, hoopla, tinsel, beautiful people, and a good show. Since politics has becomes increasingly a media act, politicians have turned to showbiz advisors to help them be good actors and put on good shows (Combs, 1984). People do love good shows and since the exposure of celebrities to politics and the other way around we cannot determine if it is a product of reality from the politicians and celebrities or is it just a big hoopla to mislead the masses onto what is really going on inside the government. It is frequently said nowadays that all politics is becoming showbiz. There is a sense in which politics, especially in societies with means of mass communication, has always had an entertainment aspect. Politicians are celebrities, and we are as much interested in their private lives, and see them as popular representatives or material and moral values, as we do movie stars (Combs, 1984). To prevent media personalities or celebrities from gaining an advantage over lesser known candidates during a political campaign, all films featuring actors or media personalities running for a political office were banned from public exhibition in theaters, on television, or in any public forum during the campaign. Additionally, to prevent politicians fro, circumventing election regulations with guests appearances on talk shows or similar indirect promotions of their political views, the Fair Election Act carefully defines political advertisement any matter, published, printed, or exhibited which is intended to draw the attention of the public or a segment thereof to promote or oppose, directly or indirectly, the election of a particular candidate or candidates to a public office. In the TV shows and radio programs, love or taped announcements, teasers, and other forms of advertising messages or announcements used by commercial advertisers (Kaid Batcha, 2006). Because of flowery words that celebrities tell the masses, the Philippine society gets easily swayed from the main purpose of the election and that is to vote qualified candidates. They should remember in the constitution the Accountability of Public Officers. But now they can see that media being the most powerful thing between politics and showbiz the same policy that had been implemented from the past does no not apply today. They see celebrities here and there posters after posters that they too are interested in politics basically because of the influence and other reasons like political dynasty. Philippine election is very near, and candidates are busy preparing for their campaign. And when you look at Philippine politics it is full of people from the showbiz industry, from city councilor to the President (Joseph Estrada), and seems there are no stopping to them, they just keeps on coming. Philippine Politics is like the reality show Pinoy Big Brother where you vote who among them is the big winner and it is based on popularity and in not leadership skills. And that is why most of our leaders are useless; they just keep on making their pockets full while its people starve (Thunderdhuzt, 2012). Former President Joseph Estrada is a very good example of a showbiz politician. Because he was overwhelmed by the money and power he abused that power and the consequence was being stripped of the Presidency and some of his properties. Summary Having people coming from the showbiz sector in the politics can be disadvantageous for the Philippines. In the present day more economical and social problems are adding up not to mention the past problems that the past regimes left for the society to bear. Even the qualified politicians are having hard time to formulate policies that would cure the modern society problems. The society remains unaware that their actions in picking unqualified politician can bring harm to them most of all to the progress of their own country. They should not base their choice on popularity rate and the amount of riches that particular candidate has. The Philippines society knows that there are people who are fit for the position yet they still turn back to the weak promises that the glamorous candidates had offered. By emerging their selves in the common problem that we have know they can clearly see that basing our judges in the mere external capabilities of a person cannot suffice something like the economy problem the society always see that they have great plans for the benefit of the country but the question is can they still pursue the eagerness to help others why they themselves have been overwhelmed by the glamorous life they live in now? The society has line up of scandalous celebrities running like Annabelle Rama for her violent personality towards the press mostly she has been summoned in the court several times and Diether Ocampo that was accused of being gay. A good number of politician wannabes in Philippine tinsel town are optimistic that the people will elect them despite the fall from grace of Estrada, who was booted out of office last January by way of People Power 2. The former president was widely perceived as a corrupt, womanizing, crony-coddling politician, who was impeached by the House even before he was ousted from office we all know the scandal about the jueteng issue in which he was imprisoned for at least 40 years. The society has the power to choose its leader since it is the one which the power of the state emanates from. The whole country should be careful in choosing its head since in the future we will be the one who is going to harvest the so-called fruits of labor in which the chosen leader has planted. We all know what kind of jeopardy the government is going through right now. The citizens as part of state should contribute even the simplest task like following the rules. Popular culture is there to stay but the main thing is that the main purpose for that is to make us entertained. Seeing celebrity icons perform lessens our stress from the real world. They should not interfere with the issues of the political world they have their own career to take care. Politicians should continue being politically active being a politician has its perks but that should not intervene with the main goal of government and that is to serve the country. Being in power can be overwhelming but that passion for true service. Politics is not a theater stage where people get to act for the entertainment of the masses. It is the place where serious people collide with each other in needs concentration in formulation and implementation of ideas. The merging of politics and showbiz creates a different face for the government in which the society perceives that the leaders inside are those people who are not qualified. Politicians marry celebrities just for the benefit of publication and more exposure for the artists. Conclusion People from the showbiz sector should not run for political positions. They entered a glamorous life of being a celebrity they chose their career therefore they should focus on that. They have little knowledge about politics and most of them did not even finish their studies. They cannot survive the harsh environment of politics they will just be tricked by the so-called veterans of the government. Politicians should not use the celebrities for their popularity to rise in terms of exposing their self in a relationship with a famous celebrity and they are just wasting their time even if they have the publication and exposure there are no guarantee if they would win the election therefore wasting precious resources. To be a politician the candidate must have a background when it comes to political science or should have study the law in order to be qualified there are many candidates that are qualified for the position but since the is so powerful those who are already in the spotlight are the only ones who are getting the attention. They use their influence to lure the people into thinking they are fit for the job. But, that should not be the basis of the political class in our country. People tend to vote candidates base on their popularity because of public mesmerization, people are easily swayed by unending promises that since the last generation of politicians have been able to fulfill. The Philippines society should be more careful in choosing competent politicians.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Feudalism and Capitalism Essay -- Economics Economy Norma Rae Essays
Feudalism and Capitalism Economic processes are those involving the production and distribution of goods and services. However, they do not alone determine this production and distribution. There is an interrelationship of economic, cultural, environmental, and political processes that all help to shape each other. Nothing that we do can be defined as a single process, for it is the interaction itself that helps to produce the final results that we observe. To understand this more fully the following basic definitions may be of use: "Cultural Processes" are those that involve the creation and transfer of knowledge-the production of meaning. "Political processes" are those by which we establish and enforce rules, and they have to be reproduced and communicated by way of cultural processes. And finally, "Environmental Processes" are processes and transformations of matter into other matter or matter into energy through various activities. From this one can see that the "state" of the environment is affected by culture, politics, and economics. To reiterate, we can't talk about economics and the questions that it attempts to resolve, without talking about or at least including these other aspects because they all interact and must be considered as well. There are a number of fundamental questions that economic systems attempt to solve: How does one gain access to the resources needed to produce new and useful goods and services? How does one get humans to perform the labor? How do you organize the production process? How do you get the produced output into the hands of consumers? And finally, who gets the surplus and what do they do with it? Using these questions as a basic framework, one can attempt to dete... ...")] References "Feudalism." Korten, David C. "Life After Capitalism." November 1998. "Middle Ages: Age of Feudalism." bin/ "Organized Labor." Wysiwyg://16†¦article/9/0,5716,115719+1+108786,00.html Professor Gabriel course web page Shadab, Houman. "Capitalism: Frequently Asked Questions." 1996. "The Rise of Feudalism." "What's Wrong With Capitalism."
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Family Systems Intervention
Family Systems Interventions Intervention skills: Facilitating family change Change skills 1. Break maladaptive interaction patterns 2. Clarity problematic consequences 3. Alter affective blocks 4. Initiate cognitive restructuring 5. Implement new adaptive patterns 6. Mobilize external resources as required Break Maladaptive Patterns †¢ Intervene to control maladaptive patterns by restructuring family interaction verbally or physically †¢When appropriate, facilitate the adaptive expression of anger of one family member in order to block the recurrent problematic behavior of anotherClarify problematic consequences †¢Confront family members on the problematic consequences of their own behaviors †¢Provide verbal or nonverbal support before and after direct confrontation whenever possible Alter Affective Blocks †¢Convey the importance of expressing and clarifying affective experience in order to better comprehend the maintenance of overt behavior patterns. †¢Remove inappropriate affective blocks by encouraging open discussion of the emotional turmoil of family members; validate their experience, clarify the content, and provide support Initiate Cognitive Restructuring Call into question collective beliefs, values, or goals that appear to be problematic and initiate open discussion and reevaluation of relevant issues. †¢To prevent new affect from blocking further progress, encourage the expression and discharge of emotion (especially through laughing or crying) while modifying a previous cognitive set. †¢Provide appropriate new information or a reformulation as required to develop more adaptive comprehension †¢Encourage family members to consider new ideas further and to continue to discuss specific issues at home in order to reach a reality-based consensus.Implement New Adaptive Patterns †¢Using behavioral principles, apply social reinforcements to strengthen appropriate behaviors at any ti me during the sessions an d encourage family members to do the same. †¢Elicit family member’s willingness to be receptive to suggestions and invite specific behavioral suggestion from other family members (or offer some). †¢Coach the family in implementing changes that are compatible with appropriate development tasks for the whole family as well as individual family members. Introduce adaptive changes in behavior during the interview by redirecting interaction patterns and altering spatial and seating arrangements to rearrange subsystems. Mobilize External Resources as Required †¢Openly admit to lack of progress as explore possible inhibiting factors both inside and outside the family. Effective Assessment and Intervention First, workers must develop an attitude that values the potential of families to change.Assessment and mobilization of family strengths should focus on the positives related to many areas, including †¢Family relationships: caring for members, gender roles that a re respected and valued, parental-child relationships based on the best of the child, physical and emotional self-care, the presence of positive family events and successes, supportive couple relationships, family history of previous successes in conflict management, a strong family identity †¢Individual family member skills: cognitive and intellectual abilities, a positive attitude, competent parenting, positive role-modeling, ability to build and access supportive social environments †¢Personal qualities: motivation, goal directedness, self-esteem and competence, an ability to laugh at oneself, inner strengths and resources, strong relational, abilities, nondefensiveness, willingness to work on issues despite challenges †¢Availability of community resources: friends and caring other outside the family, supportive relatives, health care, education, recreation, spiritual community, social services, the skills to navigate in these community resources †¢Seeing and learning: the ability to recognize difficult life experiences and to learn from these experiences Key Strategies in working with strengths †¢ The strength’s perspective capitalizes on the power and will of the family to self-correct with the help of appropriate environmental supports. †¢Words have the power to build up or tear done discourage or encourage. Pathology-based words darken the vista by imposing problems while strength-based words impose solutions and hope. Use a dictionary of helping, a dictionary that includes the use of such words as empowerment, skills, hope, support, ability, and knowledge Assessment and intervention will be more effective if the family social worker keeps the following considerations in mind: †¢Be keenly attuned to culture and adhere to culturally sensitive practices †¢Focus on family needs †¢Respect client autonomy †¢Avoid fostering unnecessary dependency †¢Reassess and re-interpret client resistance as avo idance of pain †¢Keep healthy professional boundaries while remaining emotionally available Culturally Sensitive Practice †¢ We advocate for cultural competence for all workers-competence that avoids the application of stereotypical checklists to families from minority cultures. Suggesting that a single program model or intervention can meet the needs of all cultural families risks stereotyping an reducing each culture to a single entity. †¢Not all members of a cultural group are connected in the same way to their cultural heritage placater †¢Some groups will have blended traditional and nontraditional practices in their daily living. †¢Acculturation can be seen as a mosaic, blending traditional native ways with dominant cultural ways. Five program structures that can be incorporated into family social worker in order to work appropriately with families from different cultures. 1. Workers must have a sincere interest in learning and accepting different cultu res. 2. Workers can learn to challenge their ethnocentric beliefs as a n integral part of family social work. 3.Family social workers can be open to collaboration with traditional cultural healers and leaders and support family choices about traditional sources of help that parallel, supplement, or replace interventions that are more common. 4. Family social workers should be familiar with and be prepared ti use existing client support systems, following the appropriate cultural protocols. 5. The intervention skills used by family social workers can adapted to specific cultures 6. Family social workers can seek specific cultural knowledge, which includes awareness of communication patterns, worldviews, belief systems, and values 7. Knowing how to gain entrance into a cultural community is important if a worker were to access culturally appropriate resources for a family.Reassess Clients’ Resistance Resistance may be a message from the client that the family social worker is o verstepping the boundaries of the relationship. Resistance can also signal that the issues being discussed are sensitive to the client. Set Realistic Expectations A sixth guideline for family social workers is to foster families’ feelings of competence, rather than inadequacy. Hepworth and Larsen (1993) list the following ecological interventions that family social workers can perform for families: †¢Supplementing resources in the home environment †¢Developing and enhancing support systems †¢Moving and enhancing support systems †¢Moving clients to a new environment Increasing the responsiveness of organizations to people’s needs †¢Enhancing interactions between organizations and institutions †¢Improving institutional environments †¢Developing new resources The way a problem is defined often depends on †¢How the family initially defines the problem †¢The theoretical perspective the family social worker uses †¢The mandate of the agency and how the agency views problems. For example, some agencies embrace solution-focused counseling and define problems to fit theory †¢How the problem is defined jointly between the family and worker in a way that both feel offers the most opportunities to create positive change. Unique ways of viewing a problem 1.A traditional analytic view is that symptomatic person in the problem. 2. The social systems assumption is that the family is the problem – problems evolving from relationship patterns within the family 3. The attempted solution is the problem. This is an interesting view that could be simplified by saying, â€Å"if what you are doing does not work, stop doing it and try something different! †Circular Patters †¢ The term patterns mean that the same behavior happens repeatedly and becomes predictable. †¢When a family is mired in problems, it may be because their repetitive patterns have produced gridlock without providing an adequ ate response to the issue at hand.In this way, the solution becomes the problem. Because the patterns are habits, family members feel secure in the stability they provide. The habitual patterns might be hurtful to individuals and harmful to the family system, but because family members are unaware of or unskilled in other ways of responding, they are unable to change, and the family is described as being stuck. †¢A pattern is a circular sequence of communication that occurs three times. †¢Alternatively, the worker may set the stage to encourage family members to play out their usual family patterns. ? 1. Clarify with the family these patterns, pointing out the relationship between affect, or feelings, and behavior.For example, father scolds child, child feels hurt, child pouts, father feels frustrated, father scolds, and around and around the pattern goes. It is helpful for a family to see how they go around in theses maladaptive circles. 2. When this is done, help clarify any family rules or myths that perpetuate these patterns, for example, a myth that the only way a child will listen to a parent is when the parent yells at the child. 3. When clarifying a circular pattern with a family, it is necessary to explore underlying feelings and any additional behaviors. 4. Point out evidence of emotional distress and get members to label specific feelings. When feelings are out in the open.Particularly fears and hurts, they can be directly faced 5. Encourage the family to provide each member with reassurance and support 6. Help the family develop understanding of each other by bringing their circular patterns out in the open and including underlying feelings. 7. After the dysfunctional patterns have been identified, the worker should then get the family to think of helpful adaptive patterns to deal with problem situations. 8. Help the family negotiate simultaneous change 9. Reinforce family member’s constructive suggestions 10. Coach family members in trying out new adaptive behaviors and assign realistic tasks explicitly as homework.Lineal Circular, strategic and reflexive question †¢Lineal questions ask for basic information and assume a cause-and –effect sequence. †¢Circular questions, on the other hand, are based on circular causality and the connections among family members. Circular questions help the family social worker to learn about ongoing patterns of family interaction and the effects that family members’ behaviors have on one another. †¢Circular questions are intended to create change, whereas lineal questions are intended to draw out information. †¢Strategic questions are directed at change, on the basis of the family social worker’s assessment of the situation.The underlying intent of strategic questions is to correct behavior. †¢Reflexive questions ask clients to become self-observers. Detriangulation Detriangulation involves developing strategies through which the family worker disrupts one triangle and opens up the family members to new, more functional alliances or triangles. Four possible methods of detriangulation are available for the family social worker. 1. One way of detriangulatiojn is to point the triangle out to the three people. 2. Another method of detriangulation is ensuring that family members interact as dyads. 3. Another method is through reversal, or getting one person in the triangle to do the opposite of the pattern. 4.Detriangulation also can occur by shifting alliances that is who does what with whom. If the mother is always the one trying to get a child to comply with a command, change can be accomplished by having the father gain the child’s compliance. Working with Involuntary clients Clients usually look for on of two outcomes from family social work. Some just want to eliminate the pain created by the problem, and in the process want to be nurtured. These clients may be satisfied once the initial stress has b een alleviated, and they may avoid making difficult or lasting changes. Other clients want to change their lives in concrete ways. They are willing to work hard to achieve needed changes in their lives.These are the most rewarding clients for family social workers. Many involuntary clients are precontemplators. In other words, they do not believe they have a problem. Others may acknowledge they have a problem but are not prepared to work on it. Families need to know that participating in family social work is their choice. The family social worker should emphasize that freedom from unwanted agency intervention will occur when the conditions of the court order or contracted work are met. Work with involuntary clients begins by finding out what it is like for them to be ordered into family work. This question is one way of showing empathy and starting where the client is.When clients are court ordered, they should be informed that some conditions of the work are not negotiable and the y need to understand the specific conditions for termination. When clients do not want work, the family social worker can print out that the family has a right not to participate but that nonparticipation involves some consequences. Motivation is the flip side of resistance. Direct confrontation about responsibility for problems during the assessment phase is likely to produce defensiveness rather that lead to change. Instead, using empathy and rolling with resistance might be most productive. The single most important skill for working with family resistance is being able to identify when it may be counterproductive to push an issue with the family.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Enhancing Education for International Students Essay
The impediments in facilitating learning in the realm of international students have been an issue among teachers and educational institutions. Through this dilemma, different studies in such literature have been proliferated to create avenues for changes and developments in such area. In the end, by properly incorporating these changes, appropriate measures and practices can be made so as to make education and learning worthwhile for international students. The paper seeks to showcase several important studies and articles that seek to address the challenges posed by facilitating education among international students. By doing this, better enforcement of education by institutions and teachers can be possible. Such compilation can be an important catalyst in addressing the needed changes by the academic institutions. Though this may seem an elaboration of important developments in the realm of education, this may sound to be general in nature compared to the variety and complex problems experienced by students. That is why the paper seeks to further limit the scope into reading and writing solutions adequate for international students. Addressing the overall problem Determining the dilemmas and hurdles faced by international students, one must be keen to understand that the difference in practices & culture and the language barrier remains to be the main catalyst for such experience. Lee in her article critically outlines the impediments and barrier of learning and development of international students. Seeing this, the article reflected important factors that led to such problems. â€Å"They recognized the need to adjust to the American-type classrooms, which includes, among other things, more interaction between professors and students, smaller classes, more explicit writing style, idiomatic language in spoken and written English, and a less formal classrooms. †(Lee, 1997, p. 94) Seeing this, Lee proposes several important solutions that administrators and teachers can implement in a classroom inhabited by international students. These actions are primarily focused on the process on which education is facilitated – oral, written and language skills. One important component in addressing the problem is by enhancing the listening capability of students. An important component in these suggestive methods is by both making the instructor and international student adapt at the same time in the classroom. â€Å"The tendency of American professors to modify textbooks and use outside sources to develop a unique class design creates obstacles for students who have listening difficulties. †(Lee, 1997, p. 94) Another important component indicated by Lee is the realization that there are cultural differences among students in the classroom. Local students may find and understand the topics if it talks about American culture, however this may not be the case for international students. â€Å"Students who are unfamiliar with examples may not understand the concept and so have additional information to decipher. †(Lee, 1997, p. 95) Instructors and teachers must prevent the occurrence of culture shock. By doing these, international students may feel at ease and can create further improvement in the acquisition of information and knowledge Internationalising Education Though a curriculum an educational institution may seem to provide, there must be an effort to continue to adjust it according to international standards. The study of Arkoudis showcases several important ways international students’ education in the classroom can be facilitated. One important facet is the creation of standardized teaching and learning. By doing this, an institution can both help facilitate education and learning not only for international students but also to locals as well. â€Å"There are also benefits for domestic students, as they engage with culturally and linguistically diverse students who offer multi-cultural perspectives on local and global issues. †(Arkoudis, 2006, p. 8) Another important point given by Arkoudis is the realization that a standardized curriculum must be developed so as to look into the welfare of international students. By focusing on how the content of a particular institution is given, proper facilitation of each discipline is achieved. â€Å"For some disciplines it seems that academics already consider the content as international, usually because the discipline is practiced in the same way across different countries. †(Arkoudis, 2006, p. 7) Also, there is another important component in the facilitation of education. This involves the creation of access to lectures particularly among students so as to give them the opportunity to further review materials in the classroom. By facilitating this, international students can cope with the challenges inside the classroom. â€Å"There are strategies that can be used in the design and delivery of the lecture that can assist in making the conventional lecture more accessible for international students†(Arkoudis, 2006, p. 9) Group participation has also been an important facet of American education for it gives opportunities for students to actively take part in the lesson given in a group setting. Arkoudis however argues that this may pose a hindrance for learning particularly among international students. These are due to several language barriers and their relative hesitation either caused by difficulty adjusting or shyness. â€Å"Contributing to discussions can be seen as a risky undertaking if the students are not comfortable with their English language ability or are unfamiliar with the cultural conventions for ‘breaking into’ the conversation. †(Arkoudis, 2006, p. 11) Seeing this, the teacher must actively create important measures and schemes that will improve the capability of international students to interact during group discussions.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Density Metal Lab Essays
Density Metal Lab Essays Density Metal Lab Essay Density Metal Lab Essay I. Purpose and Procedure In this experiment, groups were each given two unknown metals in which they had to find the mass, volume, and density. After finding the density of the unknown metals by dividing the mass by the volume, the groups had to exchange data and find the average densities of the two unknown metals. A table of accepted value of metals and their densities was given out to each group so they could match the average densities to the accepted values and identify what they unknown metals were. The objective of this lab was to determine the identity of unknown metals by calculating their densities, and to determine a graphical relationship between the mass and volume of a given substance. Each group was given two unknown metals, a 100 ml graduated cylinder, a balance, and a weighing boat. To find the mass, the experimenters had to weigh the empty weighing boat. After, they had to weigh the unknown metal in the boat. Then, they had to subtract the mass of the weighing boat from the mass of unknown metal to figure out Just the mass of the metal. Lead is known to be denser than other metals, and it is a dark gray metal. The data of Unknown Metal 1 matches the qualities of lead. For Unknown Metal 2, the experimenters believe that the metal is aluminum. The average density of Unknown Metal 2 from the seven groups was 2. 4 g/CM. The accepted value density of aluminum is 2. 7 g/CM. There is only around an 11 percent error. Aluminum is known to be a very light metal and the masses of Unknown Metal 2 were very light. Also, each group described Unknown Metal 2 as a light gray. That is values and the accepted values, the more accurate the groups were. Both percent errors were under 15 percent which implies that the groups were fairly accurate while conducting this experiment. There were a few sources of error during this experiment. The first error was the balance. The balances were extremely sensitive and could not register a final mass because they kept changing masses. Another source of error had to do with weighing the metals. A weighing boat was used to keep the metal from spilling while someone weighed it. Some groups may have forgotten to subtract the weighing boat mass from the mass of the metal in the weighing boat. Other than that, the experiment went well.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Mountain Gorillas essays
Mountain Gorillas essays Half man and half beast. This is what is usually said about the gorilla. They say that the gorilla is related to us. You can find mountain gorillas in the Virunga Volcanoes, which are located on the boundaries of Zaire, Rwanda, and Uganda. The Virungas are 600 miles of tropical rainforest. Youll find then roaming around 7,800 and 11,000 feet, but at low elevations. The gorillas live in units. Most of the units consist of about 6-12 members in it, most of them being related in some way. With each unit, there is a leader, usually an old silverback, who was a virtual dictator. A silverback male has large canines and he may weigh 400 pounds. He is the one who decides when to proceed, and when to stop, and which direction to go. When he sleeps, everyone else is supposed to be sleeping to, and then he gives a signal to wake up. When the old silverback gets too old, then his eldest son usually is the one to take over. The females are usually responsible for the nursing portio n in the unit. Gorillas are peaceful and tolerant by nature. Whenever two groups meet, they either ignore each other, or they give each other a grumpy grunt. Sometimes the two groups would even stay together, and then eventually separate. There are many rumors about gorillas being very violent, but there are no reports about it. There are times when they have little mock fights, but there is never any blood shed in them. Right now there are not too many mountain gorillas you will find in the Virungas. Their population is only in the hundreds. In 1960, there was an estimated 450 gorillas still remaining in two isolated habitats. In a 1981 census, it gave a figure of about 254 gorillas. Right now there is somewhere between 400-450 mountain gorillas that have survived. There are so few of these creatures for many reasons. There are many poachers who kill the gorillas for their head or hands to sell to tourists as a souvenir, o...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
A Review Of TVs Motor Company
A Review Of TVs Motor Company What exactly is marketing and why is it important to you as an entrepreneur? Simply stated, marketing is everything you do to place your product or service in the hands of potential customers. It includes diverse disciplines like sales, public relations, pricing, packaging, and distribution. In order to distinguish marketing from other related professional services, S.H. Simmons, author and humorist, relates this anecdote. Marketing is your strategy for allocating resources (time and money) in order to achieve your objectives (a fair profit for supplying a good product or service). Though it may feel counter-intuitive, marketing doesn’t begin with a great idea or a unique product. It begins with customers  those people who want or need your product and will actually buy it. People have their own unique perceptions of the world based on their belief system. The most innovative ideas, the greatest products, or a superior service succeed only when you market within the c ontext of people’s perceptions. Context can be many things, singly or simultaneously. To name a few, you may market to your customers within the context of their wants, needs, problems solved, or situation improved. Entrepreneurs need to be aware of many other contexts, such as social and economic trends or governmental regulations, which we’ll discuss another time. People don’t just â€Å"buy†a product. They â€Å"buy†the concept of what that product will do for them, or help them do for themselves. People who are overweight don’t join a franchise diet center to eat pre-packaged micro-meals. They â€Å"buy†the concept of a new, thin, happy and successful self. Without a plan, your entrepreneurial dream is really wishful thinking. While a marketing plan can be a map for success, remember that the map is not the territory. A strategy that ignores the customer isn’t an accurate reflection of the landscape. A good marketing pla n can help you focus your energy and resources. But a plan created in a vacuum, based solely on your perceptions, does not advance the agenda. That’s why market research, however simple or sophisticated, is important. Introduction TVS Group TVS Group is one of India’s oldest business groups. It is a giant conglomerate with presence in diverse fields like automotive component manufacturing, automotive dealerships and electronics. Today, there are over thirty companies in the TVS Group, employing more than 40,000 people worldwide and with a turnover in excess of USD 2.2 billion. TVS Motor Company is the third largest two-wheeler manufacturer in India and one among the top ten in the world, with annual turnover of more than USD 1 billion in 2006-2007, and is the flagship company of the USD 4 billion TVS Group. A bike for anyone TVS Motor currently manufactures a wide range of two-wheelers from mopeds to racing inspired motorcycles. Motorcycles (TVS Apache, TVS Star, TVS Flame) Variomatic Scooters (TVS Scooty Pep +, TVS Scooty Teenz) and Mopeds (TVS XL Super, TVS XL Heavy Duty) TVS Motor Company – Vision We are committed to being a highly profitable, socially responsible, and leading manufacturer of high value for money, environmentally friendly, lifetime personal transportation products under the TVS brand, for customers predominantly in Asian markets and to provide fulfilment and prosperity for employees, dealers and suppliers.
Friday, October 18, 2019
LinkedIn Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
LinkedIn - Assignment Example If the business grew to appeal such technology giants, then it implies that it is performing well in its investment portfolio and the brand position. Additionally, the company trade in the New York Stock Exchange market that makes it benchmarks it performance with competitors and attracts investors for future expansion. The company stock index shows positive progress making it among the competitive companies to watch. Nevertheless, the company is networking professionals across the world, which is creating a pool of talents and promoting the exchange of information concerning all business aspects. In summary, the company is on the positive trend of improvement in both investment and membership across the globe (Normie, 2013). As LinkedIn CEO, some of the strategic decisions make to facilitate company’s future expansion include taking advantage of the social media platform to increase membership and revenue from the membership subscription. The company would also increase its market campaign and improve its brand image to ensure that its stock price index remains high, hence attracting the investors and more technology company to become part of it. Additionally, the company would increase professional connection to increase the number of people and organizations identifying with it. In addition, the company would ensure it attracts some of the best employees, especially in the marketing and investment section, to ensure that it continues expanding. For example, having very influential regional sales managers would provide the company presence felt in countries globally. If the company hires the best investment analyst team, then it would be able to make strategic investment decisions, which would increase the business earnings and competitiveness. In conclusion, the strategic plan for the enterprise would primarily focus on revenue growth, membership expansion, brand
Business Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Business Ethics - Essay Example Business ethics requires the view of all business activities through the moral values lens to determine their acceptability in the society. For smooth business operations, all business actors must understand various issues such as the personal aspects of business including family, sex, marriage and friendship, individual rights, and the moral values ascribed by society within which the business operate. This paper entails discussion of chapters covered between week 4 and 8 and identification of different sources of information with information relevant to the readings. â€Å"It’s Not My Problem†: The Concept of Responsibility (Chapter 8) The concept of responsibility is applied in business in different ways in which every actor in the business world has a role to play. The different forms of responsibilities in the business field include consumer responsibility, corporate responsibility and shareholder responsibility. The view of these responsibilities through the busin ess ethics lens converts them into moral responsibilities and prima facie obligations. In this case, all business actors are obliged to ensure fulfillment of such responsibilities in orders for the business undertakings to have constructive ends or positive impact on the society. Lange and Washburn (2012) have explored the meaning irresponsible behavior in the business world to divert attention from what corporate social responsibility implies, to what business actors do that is against the expectation of responsible behavior. The information covered by the two authors closely relates to information covered in this chapter in which much emphasis has been put on the different responsibilities and the misunderstanding of the responsibility concept in business. According to Lange and Washburn (2012), business responsibility is deeply rooted in the external expectations and the perception of the people experiencing the business activities. The survival and success of a business organiza tion or venture greatly depends on the widespread external perception as to whether the organization acts in socially responsible manner and the ability to meet external expectations. Nevertheless, it is important to understand that the responsibility concept in business does not imply going against self-interests in the business venture but the need to strike a balance between self-interests and societal interests. The greatest dilemma in business ethics revolves around the conflict of responsibilities, where individual’s power may be limited by external expectations or responsibilities. Social Responsibility and the Stakeholder (Chapter 9) Social responsibility in the business world refers to the different roles that businesses and actors in the business world have by virtue of operating within the society. The concept of corporate social responsibility encompasses the social concerns of stakeholders and the economic interests of business owners and shareholders. The corpor ate world and the society directly depend on each other, where the society cannot function in absence of economic and social roles of corporations while at the same time corporations cannot exist without the society. The stakeholder approach in business social responsibilities ensures that business owners commit to serve broader interests, in addition to the business economic and
Colonization the Area in Florida by the Spanish Article
Colonization the Area in Florida by the Spanish - Article Example The Spanish colonized the area in Florida and were at war with Protestant England. They brought black African slaves to work in the dangerous areas of swampland where diseases abounded to which the Africans had an immunity. They were especially useful on the sugar plantations in the Caribbean. When Sir Walter Raleigh cam into the Carolinas, he went first through Florida and destroyed the settlements and free the slaves This situation did not stop British North Americans from using slaves. Most of them came here with no skills for survival and needed to have things done for them. At first, the slaves were indentured servants, brought for a price which they worked off. When their term was up, usually 7 years, they were given a small plot of land and supplies to get started. The early settlers did not even identify themselves by color at all. The most important divisions were social, religious and economic. Because of the development of rice as a cash crop, slave labor was becoming quite attractive. Runaway white servants usually had a year or two added to their time, but blacks often became lifelong slaves for the same offense. Eventually, plantation owners began buying slaves to work their land. With the invention of the cotton gin, slavery was an economic boon to the southern states, and they were loathed to give it up. So the abolition of slavery was removed from the agenda of the Continental Cong ress after the War of Independence was won. Congress lacked the power to abolish slavery. In fact, even though a number of the Northern delegates disliked slavery, no one at the convention suggested that Congress be empowered to abolish it. (Black 42) In addition, numerous other laws were made in different states to control the slave trade and the slaves.Â
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - MMPI Essay
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory - MMPI - Essay Example The MMPI has assessed in a variety of areas, such as: Criminal justice and corrections; evaluation of disorders; screen candidates for high safety positions; assess medical patients; evaluate participants in substance abuse programs; support college students and counseling; marriage and family counseling; and, screen international adoption parent. The MMPI is not sold and has been replaced by the MMPI-2 (Wikipedia, 2007). Scale 2 Depression, it identifies poor morale, the lack of hope in the future, and general dissatisfaction with ones own life. The high scores are identified as clinical depression and the low scores as unhappiness with life. Scale 5 Masculinity-Femininity was originally used to detect homosexuals but was not accurate. It is used to measure traditional masculine or feminine roles prior to 1960 and it is related to intelligence, education, and socioeconomic status. Scales 8 Schizophrenia assesses bizarre thought processes and peculiar perceptions, social alienation, poor familial relationships, difficulties in concentration and impulse control, lack of deep interests, disturbing questions of self-worth, and sexual difficulties. Hunt (2000) wanted to test that low iron status or other nutritional deficiencies are associated with symptoms of depression in premenopausal women of child bearing age. The author associated the blood indices of iron status to scores on the MMPI and responses to a mood adjective checklist. This took place during the women ´s menstrual cycle. There were 365 women who seemed healthy participants from Grand Forks, North Dakota. They found that the frequency of the elevated MMPI Depression scores did not relate to the frequency of low hemoglobin, transferrin saturation, or ferritin. The results did not support the hypothesis of low iron status contributing to symptoms of depression in women. According to Butcher et al. (ND) both the MMPI and
Public policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Public policy - Essay Example But they are a happy and hospitable people. It is a common public policy to smile and be hospitable to any foreigner who comes in and visit one of their islands. The Filipinos are proud of their race. They smile when they see a tourist: that’s tourism policy number one. Tourism has been a flourishing industry in the Philippines and an attractive business venture because of its beautiful scenic spots, baroque churches, white beaches and various heritage sites, a legacy of the hundreds of years of Spanish colonization, and subsequently the American colonization which led to the Philippine independence on June 12, 1898. However, the Philippine tourism industry has passed through various stages of decay and then development. If public policies had been enforced to the letter, the Philippines could have been the number one tourist destination in Asia because of its rich heritage, historic spots, rich natural resources, and a hospitable people willing to receive any guests who have entered into their shore lines. Tourism was used for political purposes during the regime of President Ferdinand Marcos. Tourism policies during Marcos’s time were concentrated on government efforts to gain support from foreign governments, especially during the period when he declared martial law. There was no popular support or cooperation from the local community who had mixed feelings of fear, hatred and remorse over the dictatorship. Human rights violations were rampant. Resorts, hotels and other business establishments were owned by Marcos ‘cronies’. Rebel groups started to surface, and there almost anarchy in the streets. People power led by Corazon Aquino, wife of the martyred opposition leader Benigno Aquino Jr. led to the toppling of the dictatorship. Tourism was totally down at that time. (Gray, 2008, p. 369) When the dictator Marcos was overthrown by a people-power revolt, Corazon ‘Cory’ Aquino took over, and once again, her government used
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Pick a topic based on the assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Pick a topic based on the assignment - Essay Example This he meant a spiritual and perhaps political leader who guides and instructs his Muslim brothers to fulfill the tasks given by Allah. In essence, it was a question of his morality. The life he had in the United States -- full of racial slur, anti-Islamic sentiment, etc. -- drove him to ponder the most important riddle that involves his humanity, religion, and conscience. Lippman was correct to say that man’s conscience grows with his social condition (101). Opposed to static, hard, or vessel-like morality, Qutb’s conscience was radically changed when he witnessed the decline of faith and virtue in the highly urbanized society. With that experience, he was transformed in spirit and mind. Qutb was also a writer. He wrote doctrines that created a significant ripple in the Muslim world. Qutb’s writing basically reflects his ideas and reflections about life, faith, and spirituality. Further, his personal journal substantially shows the ever changing content and deg ree of passion of his mindset and belief. The writings of Qutb, especially his diary entries, were meant for himself: the evaluation of the self. Confusion and chaos were not alien to the Islamic scholar. Immersed in a somewhat â€Å"sinful†world, Qutb’s mind was not a solid vessel but a fluid matter -- requiring himself to form and reform his ideals and perspective.
Public policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Public policy - Essay Example But they are a happy and hospitable people. It is a common public policy to smile and be hospitable to any foreigner who comes in and visit one of their islands. The Filipinos are proud of their race. They smile when they see a tourist: that’s tourism policy number one. Tourism has been a flourishing industry in the Philippines and an attractive business venture because of its beautiful scenic spots, baroque churches, white beaches and various heritage sites, a legacy of the hundreds of years of Spanish colonization, and subsequently the American colonization which led to the Philippine independence on June 12, 1898. However, the Philippine tourism industry has passed through various stages of decay and then development. If public policies had been enforced to the letter, the Philippines could have been the number one tourist destination in Asia because of its rich heritage, historic spots, rich natural resources, and a hospitable people willing to receive any guests who have entered into their shore lines. Tourism was used for political purposes during the regime of President Ferdinand Marcos. Tourism policies during Marcos’s time were concentrated on government efforts to gain support from foreign governments, especially during the period when he declared martial law. There was no popular support or cooperation from the local community who had mixed feelings of fear, hatred and remorse over the dictatorship. Human rights violations were rampant. Resorts, hotels and other business establishments were owned by Marcos ‘cronies’. Rebel groups started to surface, and there almost anarchy in the streets. People power led by Corazon Aquino, wife of the martyred opposition leader Benigno Aquino Jr. led to the toppling of the dictatorship. Tourism was totally down at that time. (Gray, 2008, p. 369) When the dictator Marcos was overthrown by a people-power revolt, Corazon ‘Cory’ Aquino took over, and once again, her government used
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Plan I For Paradise Essay Example for Free
Plan I For Paradise Essay As we expand our business in Kava, we have to bear in mind that the major obstacle to business in this piece of paradise in the South Pacific is the number of disasters that take place on it. We may lose our business one fine day to a tsunami if nothing else. All the same, our new plan to expand our business in Kava is necessary, seeing that we could be of tremendous assistance to the government of Kava apart from the significant number of people who reside here – all of whom are expecting perfection in this tiny patch of paradise, which is the reason why they do not leave it for good despite the threats faced by Kava. Although there are various models provided by textbooks to understand and measure organizational effectiveness, the basic meaning of organizational effectiveness remains unchanged: It is for the organization to be doing everything that it knows how to do, and to be doing it well. The organization knows how to manage its employees, and to manufacture the products or provide the services that it originally set out to manufacture or provide. However, in order to be effective in its operations, the organization should be managing its employees well, and manufacturing good quality products or providing high quality services to its customers. What is more, in the organizational environment of today, the organization that is effective in its operations must be effectively using information technology. This is, in fact, one of the requirements of organizational effectiveness in our time (Helms). Besides, this is an essential element of clearing the mess for an ‘organization’ to come into existence. With the above definition of organizational effectiveness in view, we shall make the most technologically advanced shopping mall in the center of Kava. Given that our business culture could serve as a model for the rest of the businesses on this land, our organizational culture, which will be the personality of our company, would not only accommodate the latest advances in technology in all respects, but also an emphasis on ethics (McNamara, 1997). We will be supporting the economy of Kava by hiring a great number of people to work on our premises. In our organizational culture, we will value diversity, seeing that it is a highly effective strategy (Whitfield and Landeros, 2006). Diversity in the workplace is expected to facilitate the exchange of new ideas, making the organization more creative in its thinking; improve the problem solving ability of the organization through the invitation of diverse ideas; and establish a respectful as well as tolerant and accepting work environment (Reichenberg, 2001). The workplace that values diversity among its employees would have an organizational culture that stakeholders around the world would admire and respect. An organization that does not value diversity in the workplace, however, will reflect the negative attitude and discrimination toward diverse groups also in its organizational culture. More importantly, the workplace that reflects prejudice and discrimination in its organizational culture would not be able to convince its stakeholders of allowing it to remain in the marketplace, seeing as it is impossible to satisfy the needs of those that the organization despises. Organizational health programs, too, are essential for the survival of companies. Undoubtedly, a healthy workforce would work wonders for any business by reducing absenteeism and turnover, and increasing employee motivation, productivity and revenues. Lowe (2004) writes that hundreds of studies have already documented the direct as well as indirect advantages of â€Å"healthy work environments†to employees in addition to their organizations (p. 7). Indeed, healthy workplaces as well as jobs contribute to the well-being of employees. These benefits may be realized by the whole organization through lower absenteeism, lower turnover, higher job satisfaction, improved performance on the job, lower rates of accident, in addition to â€Å"reduced health benefit and worker compensation costs (Lowe, p. 7). †Moreover, research has revealed that the largest gains in productivity may be realized by the organization that changes the entire work environment to make it healthier for all employees (Lowe). Hence, we will treat the residents of Kava that work with us with utmost respect by not only offering them good salaries, but also by focusing on their health and safety on our premises. Research has revealed that the United States has occupational injury and illness rates that rival those of AIDS, Alzheimer’s Disease, and various kinds of cancers (â€Å"Dying for the Job,†2002). We will undo the wrongs of the organizational processes in our homeland by making our business environment as safe and healthy as possible. The impact of this aspect of our organizational culture is expected to be great. As a matter of fact, the impact will be experienced even in the United States where businesses might cite our own organization as an example in health and safety management. Because of threats of terrorism, we will employ the most technologically advanced security system in our new shopping mall in the center of paradise. In addition, the environment that we create would reveal itself to be so healthy and safe that all consumers and employees would be able to virtually forget about the disasters in Kava while they remain on our premises. It is necessary to provide such a safe haven for the people of paradise. In point of fact, creating such an environment would yield long term benefits for our company. What is more, by interacting with our customers with their best interests in our view, our company would additionally be able to strengthen its relationships within the community. Finally, it must be clarified that all of our business transactions related to the new business venture would be fair and square. There shall be no dishonesty in any aspect of our business, and all instances of fraud as well as business misunderstandings will be treated with a sense of urgency and justice. By developing a strong and effective organizational culture that incorporates the values outlined above, we would not only be able to nurture our human resources in order to effectively utilize them, but we would also be serving as an exemplar for the rest of the businesses in the community. With good business practices, our company is definitely expected to function in the community for a long time. In order not to lose our focus on ‘best practices,’ as the business community nowadays refers to good business practices, we shall make the following definition of total quality management a part of our mission statement: â€Å"[E]verything in our company has to be done the best that is humanly possible. Theres no room for `good enough (Nelton, 1993). ’ Even in the event of a major disaster, the example we set shall remain as a model for others to follow for a long time to come.
Monday, October 14, 2019
User centred design | Analysis
User centred design | Analysis Introduction Nowadays, User Centered Design has been embedded in many design works. This essay seeks to explore the nature of this approach. This essay is split in to four sections. The first section is to provide a definition for User Centered Design while the second section will explain the benefits of using this approach with examples. I will then move on to discuss the limitations of User Centered Design and a conclusion will come afterwards. What is User Centred Design? User Centred Design is an approach which aims at increasing the usability of products, and therefore making them more effective in meeting users needs. This approach requires the designer to focus on the users throughout The planning, design and development of the product. (UPA resources, no date) Norman (1999) described user centred design as Transforming difficult tasks into easy ones. It requires the designer to study the users before designing. User Centred Design approach often requires a great deal of involvement from the users during the process. Carrying out this approach often includes collecting end users opinion right before the start of the project, as well as during the design process, and designing with them. The objective of this is to allow the designers to have a good understanding of the subjects who will use the product. Therefore, good interaction between designers and users is the key under this approach. UCD is widely recognized and there is an international standard which serves as a benchmark and a guideline. International standard ISO 13047:Human-centered design process outlines the 5 stages of a typical UCD design, which are identifying need for human centered design, specifying the context of use, specifying requirements, creating design solutions and evaluating designs. (UPA Resources, no date) These steps define only general procedures but not exact methods. In fact, these standards do not outline how each phrase should be carried out. For instance, specifying the context of use can be done by surveys, observations, interview and many other methods. Advantages of User Centred Design Norman (1999) first suggested UCD is essentially a series of procedures that simplifying difficult tasks through exploiting natural properties of people and of the world, simplifying the structure of tasks, making both execution and evaluation sides of an action visible, exploiting natural constraints and designing for error. Aesthetics is not considered as a need in his original definition of UCD. Needs of end-users in study during a UCD process should not be only those associated with functions of a product, but also users unexpressed needs including, but not limited to, needs for aesthetics. Norman (2004) introduced three levels of user centered design namely Visceral design, Behavioral design and Reflective design. Visceral design is about the appearance of the product which aims at capturing peoples attention that they would never forget it or replace it with others. A design that people love it when they see it the first time is a successful visceral design. The Muji Bath Radio is essentially a radio which is designed to be used in bathrooms and it fits in with the bathroom with a playful element. This product is designed by Industrial Facility. It is fun only when it gathers with the Muji refillable shampoo bottle, they appear to be a family; the bottle itself and even the label of the shampoo are of the same size with the speaker of the radio. Using it is very straightforward, simply turning the top to adjust the volume and on or off while the AM and FM tuning section is at the bottom. The radio is sealed to ensure it is water resistant to protect the radio due to the environment that it is being used (Fig. 1-3). (Industrial Facility, 2009) Behavioral design is the functional part of a design. The product needs to be functional and easy to use. Norman suggested that even some products are complicated and users need to learn how things works but it should be learnt once only. Apple increased the usability of Mac computers by making the interface of software written for Mac OS similar. Therefore, once the basic controls are learnt, users can manage a variety of software for this system easily and quickly. Another good example would be hook-and-loop fastener which makes tying shoes easier and serves as an alternative to shoelace. It is also a design that focuses on users. Tying a shoelace is an everyday but potentially difficult task for children and infirm adults due to its inherent complexity. Hook-and-loop fasteners simplify tying shoes and provide an easy alternative to shoelaces. Many may argue that this example is not significant but as Norman (1999) suggested; this simple design caters the needs of users and solves the difficulties of a large segment of population. Reflective design is about the message the product gives to the user and the way the product represents the person who uses it. Sometimes people buy a product is not for the physical outcome but the psychological outcome. The main selling point of this type of design is not their functionality but things like prestige that owning the design brings. For instance, People drink Fair-trade coffee may not really concern about the farmers benefit in the third world. They may do so to show to others how kind and generous they are. Nowadays, many businesses have incorporated this ideology into their product range. Creating products which consumers actually need and want often feeds through to higher sales and hence higher profit. Brand image will also be benefitted. One of the key benefits of UCD approach is that it allows designers to attain some level of understanding of the users needs. According to Parsons in Blueprint November 2009 (2009, p.54), before UCD is being widely adopted, designers have to use their experience and knowledge to guess the needs of users. This in turn may create a mismatch between the product and the needs of end-users. UCD ensures efficient use of time and resources. Limitations of User Centred Design However, UCD is by no means a perfect model and may not be the ideal solution in some cases. I am going to illustrate the limitations and disadvantages of UCD in the following paragraphs. UCD is often characterized as time-consuming and costly. Many UCD designers believe that market research is generally not an appropriate way to understand the behavior of the end users. Users may not do what they told market researchers and there are often unexpressed needs such as those associated with attractiveness and aesthetics. For the sake of gaining a full and reliable understanding, UCD designers often observe their users directly such as observing how end-users actually carry out specific tasks. Observing a range of subjects can be expensive and definitely takes a great deal of time as well as effort. However, it is possible these observations are subjected to Hawthorne Effect whereby individuals change their behavior when they know they are observed. (Campbell, Maxey and Watson, 1995) These observations may not be reliable after all. Moreover, end-users may not know what they truly need. They may not know if they really need or desire the product until they actually see it. Therefore, participation of users in the earlier stages may not be too helpful. Furthermore, without the technical background as a professional designer has, what users think might work might not work in practice. Also, too much commitment to satisfy the needs of a particular targeted users group may overly complicate the design which reduces its usability by other users. Norman (2005) suggested that If a user suggestion fails to fit within this design model, it should be discarded. A balance between doing what consumers want and maintaining the usability should be achieved. UCD is an ideology, which is the manifesto of many designers. However, usage of UCD procedures does not guarantee the product is useful for the users. Although there is an international standard which outline the general structure for typical UCD projects, the methods to go about these procedures are decided by the designer. Besides, due to time and budget constraint, designer can only study the behavior of a particular sample. There is again no guarantee the sample is representative for all the targeted users since everyones needs are somewhat different. In addition, the sampling method used directly determines the reliability of these observations. Users needs are influenced by many external factors and hence needs are subject to changes. This is especially the case for visceral design and reflective design, which is subject to changes in the social culture. What is trendy at this moment may not be so in the next. Under UCD, designers spend a long time to gather input from users and encourage them to get involved in the design. By the time the product is produced, users needs may have changed and thus it no longer meets the new needs. There are many examples where products, which have not gone through UCD procedures, are highly successful. Moreover, these products require the users to adapt them, which is exactly the opposite of what UCD is about. (NORMAN, 2009) For instance, chopsticks require the users to learn and adapt them. Learning to use chopsticks can be difficult and there are a couple of new products aiming to replace chopsticks. However, they are still used by a huge segment of the population. Individuals have different preferences and needs. A product aiming to satisfy the needs of one group may in turn compromise the need of another group. Take hook and loop fasteners as an example again, they are not as flexible in the adjustment of the tightness of support as shoelace and versatile. This design is originally targeted to young children, elderly and disabled. As Norman (1999) suggested, hoop and loop fasteners are not used in sports shoes such as football shoes and boxing boots. User centered design does provide a general benchmark to judge the quality of a design upon. However, using this principal as a basis of design may not be beneficial as it limits the creativity of a designer. The following example will illustrate this. The Step is the first unique cooker which extraordinarily holds both gas and induction heat (IH) hobs and it is designed to accommodate a variety of cooking type and level. It is designed by Industrial Facility and produced by KichenAid. It owns three professional gas burners, two induction plates, cast-iron grates, cast-iron grill, solid ergonomic controls with built-in electronic ignition and with a Vitroceramic and stainless surface. The hobs are divided into two levels. The gas hob with the grill is higher and far from the front because it needs to handle heavy pans. The induction heat surface is at the front and is the same level with the worktop and able to provide an extra space for the work. (Industrial Facility, 2009)Gas is always perfect for heavy cooking whereas induction heat is normally for fine cooking and one is not happened to perfectly replace the other. From the user centered design view, in this case, consumers could enjoy cooking without sacrificing either one coo king method. From my point of view, this is neat and modern but after all it is merely a combination of two existing product. Why spend time to work on how to re-design something instead of creating a new cooking technique? You will never know if something works unless you have tried. UCD sometimes prevent designers to start from scratch. It often places too much emphasis on the point tools adapts human which limits the creativity of the designer. In fact, in many cases, needs arise only when a new product launches. For instance, before telephone and SMS messages were launched, people did not know they demanded communication in these forms. Conclusion Finally, I believe every products starting point is human centered. Every single existing product is human centered. We design because we want to improve peoples life by using our products. Every project, we work on the appearance, functionality, and narratives of the design. Although the priority may vary, we design useful products, no matter it physically does the job or psychologically does the job, it definitely have a positive outcome. A design could have been better does not mean it is not a good design. Without a doubt, listening to the end-users opinion is wise and helpful in design in many cases. However, basing our designs solely on what consumers want can be problematic. This is because users often lack the expertise. Having users involved is beneficial but they cannot replace the job of designers. (Parsons, 2009) I believe striking a balance between the two is essential. Bibliography Published Materials Journal CAMPBELL, J., MAXEY, V., WATSON, W.,1995,Hawthorne Effect: Implications for Prehospital Research Annals of Emergency Medicine, Volume 26, Issue 5, Pages 590-594 Books NORMAN, Donald. Emotional Design: Why we hate love (or hate) Everyday things, The MIT Press. 2004 NORMAN, Donald. The design of Everyday things, The MIT Press. 1999 Articles in Periodicals Parsons, Tim. User centred design, through enlightened in theory. Blueprint, November 2009, p.54. Internet Material Bath Radio, Industrial Facility., 13 Dec 09. Step, Industrial Facility., 13 Dec 09 Human centered design considered harmful, NORMAN, Donald., 13 Dec 09. What is UCD?, UPA Resources., 13 Dec 09. Step 90cm, Walter Dix Co., 13 Dec 09.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Abortion :: essays research papers
Abortion: Murder or Convenience? The woman was 22 weeks pregnant when she sought the assistance of Dr. Martin Haskell, the originator of the partial-birth abortion procedure, to rid herself of her already-kicking child. Haskell performed the first stage of the partial-birth abortion. He inserted a seaweed-based substance into the woman's cervix and instructed her to return the following day. But in this case, things did not go according to plan. The woman complained of severe abdominal pain on the first night and, being far from Haskell's clinic, reported to the emergency room of her local hospital, Bethesda North, in Cincinnati. As she was being examined (she did not say she was pregnant), the baby was born - alive. Pediatricians and neonatologists came running. The baby girl weighed in at 1 pound. The doctors decided that the child was very unlikely to survive and instructed that nothing be done. Connie Boyles, a nurse, and Shelly Lowe, a medical technician, saw the baby girl gasp for air and were stunned. Lowe, knowing that the nurses were busy caring for other patients in the emergency room, asked if she could hold the child she dubbed "Baby Hope" until she died. The request was granted. Lowe wrapped Baby Hope in a blanket and settled into a rocking chair for what she imagined would be just a few minutes. She sang to her and stroked her cheeks. "I wanted her to feel that she was wanted," Lowe explained later. "She was a perfectly formed newborn, entering the world too soon, through no choice of her own." The baby sucked on her lower lip, opened and closed her hands, and moved a bit as Lowe held her. She also did something else - she continued to breathe on her own. After three hours, Baby Hope died in the arms of the compassionate Shelly Lowe. The state of Ohio issued her a death certificate. The cause of death was listed as "extreme pre-maturity secondary to induced abortion.†Lowe was asked at a press conference what her position on abortion was. She said she had been pro-choice but was now pro-life. What changed her mind? Three hours. ( Many people believe that a woman has control over her body, but is the â€Å"blob of tissue†inside her really part of her body? Many scientists say â€Å"no,†they say that life begins at conception. Dr. Matthews-Roth of Harvard Medical School has given over 20 resources that agree with and support the fact that life begins at conception.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Essay -- ADHD Research Paper
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a prevalent in today’s classrooms. There are many co-existing communication difficulties associated with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In this paper I will discuss the nature of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, its common communication characteristics, and the implications of these characteristics socially, emotionally and academically as well as communication strategies that teachers may use to ensure that students with this disorder may be included in a regular class setting. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is also known by its abbreviated name ADHD. The American Family Physician (2001) states that â€Å"at least 9% of school aged children have ADHD†. ADHD is described as â€Å"a complex neurobehavioral disorder characterized by varying degrees of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity†(American Family Physician, 2001). Characteristics of ADHD can be divided into three categories, impulsiveness, inattention and hyperactivity and can include the following: †¢ Excessive talking †¢ Blurting †¢ Interrupting †¢ Not following directions †¢ Off task behavior †¢ Poor Self-Regulation †¢ Distractability †¢ Poor follow through on tasks (Okmi & Kaiser, 2000) It is important to note that some visual and hearing problems may also cause these behaviors. Medical doctors must diagnose ADHD and will rule out these problems before diagnosis. ADHD is a genetic disorder and is highly heritable, this is also important to think of when diagnosing ADHD (Tannock, 2013). Doctors diagnose patients by reading rating scales that the child’s teacher and parents both fill out and listening to anecdotal information of people involved in the child’s life. They also shou... ... K., & Kaiser, A. (2000). Language Characteristics of Children with ADHD. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 21(3), 154-165. Ostrander, R., & Herman, K. (2006). Potential Cognitive, Parenting and Developmental Mediators of the Relationship Between ADHD and Depression. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 74(1), 89-98 Tannock, R. (n.d.). Language and Mental Health Disorders: The Case of ADHD. Language and Mental Health Disorders: The Case of ADHD. Retrieved October 20, 2013, from Wymbs, B. (2011). Mechanisms underlying the influence of disruptive child behaviour on interparental communication. Journal of Family Psychology, 25(6), 873-884. Zentall, S. (2005). Contributors to the social goals and outcomes of students with ADHD with and without LD. International Journal of Educational Research, 43, 290-307
Friday, October 11, 2019
China Trade from Early 17th Century to Mid 19th Century Essay
Around 17th and 18th century, Western countries were extremely eager to reach the profitable Chinese market due to its privileged geological location. Although China had traded their riches with Europe along the Silk Road for centuries, Chinese government were afraid that the sea trade to the south would potentially corrupt their â€Å"imperial kingdom†and further try to conquer the country. From 1700 onwards, the government established a set of rigid restrictions imposing the practice of Co-hong to confine foreign trades and merchants in Canton. However, by late 18 century, the trading system seemed to change. The British commenced the opium trade, which created a steady demand among Chinese addicts and further solved the chronic imbalanced trade. As the Opium War broke out with Britain, China was no longer on the top of the world. The Celestial Empire not only was forced to be subservient to British trading regulations, but also somewhat became a semi-colonial country. The East India Company founded in 1600 that held a monopoly in east India by the British government was rapidly enlarging its global trading influence in China. By sending a company trader to address their concern regarding to the unreasonable restrictions on trade in Canton, the representative James Flint was arrested and imprisoned for being breaking the â€Å"Canton trading law†. This incident showed China’s superior attitude toward Westerners and how they manipulated the trade irrationally in their best interest disregarding the concerns of foreign traders. The growing number of foreign traders in the late eighteenth century strongly threatened the Qing. They feared that the trade with foreign merchants would give the opportunity for Westerners to corrupt China; therefore, a set of laws that was so called â€Å"Canton system†was established. The system restricted all European trades to only one port Canton and foreign merchants were forbidden to abode in the city except trading season. Moreover, the Europeans had to obey the licensed Co-Hong merchants, of who were responsible for controlling the trading behavior in Canton. As a result, these complex and irksome rules created a tension between foreigners and Chinese merchants, British traders especially. In 1792, a British ambassador Lord George Macartney set sail to China hoping to seek the approval of the Qing Emperor to loosen some of the trading restrictions to the British traders. Yet, the letters to the Emperor was unreservedly rejected; the response was fairly disappointing. Emperor Qianlong’s edicts to George III in response to McCartney’s demands on English traders showed his arrogant and condescending attitude toward the British. â€Å"As your Ambassador can see for himself, we possess all things. I set no value on objects strange or ingenious, and have no use for you country’s manufacturers. (105 Cheng and Letz with Spence) Furthermore, in his second edict, he stated, â€Å" But your Ambassador has now put forward new requests which completely fail to recognize the Throne’s principle to â€Å"treat strangers from afar with indulgence†and to exercise a pacifying control over barbarian tribes, the world over. †(106 Cheng and Letz with Spence) He describes foreigners as â€Å"barbarians, which showed how he disrespected all Westerners and measured China as the most superior in the world; other countries would have obey Chinese â€Å"law†. British viewed Qing’s legal code as unreasonable and perceived the Chinese officials as obstinate governance, which further exasperated the existed tension between the two nations. Meanwhile, a network of opium was widely distributed throughout China. In order to pay for the tremendous demand of Chinese tea, silk and porcelain pottery in Europe, Britain and other European nations determined to import the one product which became the factor that corrupted the Imperial Empire: opium. Opium addiction level arose in a short period of time, which affected not only the imperial troop but also the governmental officials. Thus, Emperor Daoguang appointed Commissioner Lin to confiscate opium from English ships and refused to pay indemnity to the British traders. The efforts of the Qing dynasty to coerce the opium restraints resulted in the trading conflict, which had already existed for decades between Britain and China triggered the Opium War in 1840. Lord Palmerston’s dispatch to the Emperor of China was a message to inform the Qing that Great Britain would no longer be submissive. The British government therefore has determined at once to send out a Naval and Military Force to the Coast of China to act in support of these demands, and in order to convince the Imperial Government that the British Government attaches the upmost importance to his matter, and that the affair is one which will not admit of delay. †(125 Cheng and Letz with Spence) The dispatc h simply showed the Britain’s intentions to use force to protect its subjects in China, Canton in particular. After the damaging defeats in the war, the first unequal treaty, Treaty of Nanjing was signed after the War, which awakened China from its fantasy of superiority. In the Treaty, China opened several ports and exposed its markets to Western merchants, which turned the central kingdom into a semi-colonial country. Consequently, the role in the national economy had reversed. China was now forced to obey all the demands in the Treaty of Nanjing signed with the British. China was no longer the â€Å"Celestial Empire†; inversely, it was slowly sliding down from the top of the world.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Manifestations of vandalism Essay
Some say that the youths of today are irresponsible. This view merits consideration because it is debatable. Nowadays, vandalism become a trend around the teenagers. According in the Oxford Dictionary vandalism means a destruction by vandals. This vandalism has become a culture for the teenagers. This issue is making a country so ashamed towards the others country. There are many factors, effect and resolution for this issue. We must take a action to reduce this vandalism among the teenagers. Teenagers are the product of a community system. Dysfunctional society will eventually produce a flawed product. Attitude of some people now who cared more about materialistic and indifferent to social issues certainly complicate the existing problem. According to many studies vandalism occurred in the city. Youth scribbling and damaging public property rather than not educated but the generation born in the city is difficult to control. In urban areas some people do not care for what is happening around them. By the youth feel that they are free to pursue this regardless of the negative symptoms of a sense of responsibility towards public property. Vandalism activities also have adverse effects on society. Activity causing vandalism of public property such as public telephones and so destroyed. It will be difficult for the community if they had to use public facilities for emergency purposes. Vandalism is often underestimated by the local community. They just sit back while the vandalism happened in front of their eyes. Finally people also suffer from the heinous activities. Community is difficult to make contact during emergency situations. Example public phones damaged during house is on fire. In addition, the community is not comfortable while using other public property. Example wet while waiting for the bus because the bus stop damaged roof could not stop because of the rain. Graffiti on the walls of public toilets worsen and encourage the younger generation to emulate these unhealthy symptoms. In addition, vandalism activities also affect the country. Vandalism activities cause and affect the country’s image tarnished Malaysia’s economic position. This is due to the lack of the arrival of tourists from outside to Malaysia because of the bad environment and attitudes of the people who do not care. In effect, the country’s tourism industry will decline. Industries in tourism is among the contributors to the country’s economic position. Decline in tourism caused by losses due to unemployed people had to repair and improve infrastructure and public facilities have been destroyed. Read more: Causes of Vandalism Essay Many vandalism phenomena that can affect the eye can see and this certainly affects the image of the country. Total losses due to this vandalism is enormous. Allocation of funds used for refurbishing and repairing damaged facilities is better if used for other projects that are more beneficial. This course will benefit the nation as a whole. There are many factors of being this vandalism among the teenagers. The first factors is peer influence. Peer influence can lead to vandalism. Teenagers usually easier to copy and influence by their peers. Peer influence will shape the attitudes, values and behaviours among the youth, especially youth who have dropped out and family problem. Usually, teenagers who commit vandalism is a teenager in the group, they do not have a purpose and when gathered arise include scribbling ideas and damaging public property. Peer influence also make the teenagers become incautious about their studies and not focus about their education. Moreover, parenting and family also one of the factors of being the vandalism among the teenagers. Parents are the impetus for the nature of vandalism among teenagers. For example, when driving parents littering or skin of fruits such as rambutan and oranges while ignoring the speed limit signs. Some teenagers who get caught in symptom vandalism comes from troubled families or families that practice negative life. According to a study carried out revenge vandalism by teenagers who want to be free and a troubled family background. Besides lack of proper control and guidance of parents also among the main factor influence youth stuck in negative symptoms. Therefore, the measures to overcome the problem of vandalism among teenagers should be implemented immediately.First of all, parents should carry out an important role in cleaning up the vandalism. They need to monitor the activities of their children so as not slipping into the negative. Not only that, but mixing children should also be monitored in order to not make a mistake in choosing a partner. Moreover, parents should inculcate in themselves divinity children since childhood. This is so because of religious knowledge can become a major fortification in preventing young people from influenced by negative elements like vanadalisme activities. If parents fulfill their roles properly, definitely vandalism can be easily overcome. Furthermore, role of society and the school should have to help this issue to reduce the vandalism among the teenagers. Every member of society should be concerned about and pay attention to their children not to do this wrong, and people should be aware of what is happening around them. Community needs to be proactive against vandalism symptoms that occur in their area. In addition members of the community can play a vital role to provide an understanding of how bad moral vandalism. The school should provide advice and guidance to students about the importance of public property. Younger generation should be explained in detail about their responsibility for public property. Explain to students what their feelings if their school bags defaced or torn by irresponsible people such awareness will partly reflect the importance of attitude and responsibility. Therefore, all parties, particularly the parents, the community, the government and schools should work together and carry out their obligations in order to reduce the symptoms of this increasingly serious. If the intention is successfully implemented, it is possible our country can stand, sit low in developed countries. Hopefully, with this solution, we are able to realize the Vision 2020 and is famous the world over.
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