Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Spoken Word Poetry Essay Example For Students
Verbally expressed Word Poetry Essay To hear such ground-breaking words in such a solid voice originate from the minuscule body was totally stunning. Today, I had the delight of being a piece of the crowd to which Gabriele Garcia Medina conveyed a few of her long, yet genuine sonnets. At the point when you first observe Gabriele, you could never believe that Inside the little body Lies such force and self-assurance. She enraptures her crowd, makes them giggle, cry and think from profound inside themselves and at long last leaves them needing to hear a greater amount of what she needs to state. Gabriele gives you a touch of foundation before discussing any sonnets with the goal that you can comprehend more about what her identity is and her perspective while tuning in to the sonnet she is presenting. As indicated by Gabrielle, her family left Cuba in 1989 and moved to London. At ten years old and on one of her first field trips, to a soup kitchen, Gabriele understood that there were individuals who didnt have food or homes. This carried her to tears and the main way she had the option to relieve her spirit and facilitate the tears was to communicate her sentiments In the type of verse. We will compose a custom exposition on Spoken Word Poetry explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Her family grasped the retentive blessing and urged all her composition. This was the beginning of the youthful womans profession and an opportunity to let start contacting the lives of others through her words. Gabriele has two unique manners by which she keeps in touch with her verse. One is an organized configuration wherein she is recruited by an association given a topic, time and cash. Despite the fact that Gabriele has the opportunity to compose the sonnet in her own innovative manner, the topic and thought behind it must follow the rule that the organization which she was employed by gave. The other way Gabriele thinks of her thoughts for sonnets re as the day progressed to-day cooperations with others. As per Gabriele, each opportunity she interacts with an individual she realizes that Its an expected sonnet. Things that the vast majority think about ordinary day by day exercises, Gabriele transforms Into verse. Regardless of whether It Is an awful day or an excursion to the shopping center, for Gabriele Its a method to recount to a story that can conceivably contact someones life or change their perspectives, Including her own. Gabriel sonnets are very protracted, roughly 4 to 6 minutes long. She retains them by practicing - remaining in a mirror discussing them over, and over, ND over again until the words are scratched into her psyche and heart. Despite the fact that she has performed before several crowds, Gabriele still gets anxious before going in front of an audience. To hold her nerves within proper limits, Gabriele contemplates for a moment and advises herself that what she needs to state is important and positive. This encourages her retain her considerations, unwind and put on an incredible act that appears to be extremely regular. Since there are many individuals that compose, however not all have the delight of jumping in front of an audience to impart their contemplations to a group of people Gabriele grasps the chance and takes a gander at It as a respect. As indicated by Gabriele, she needs to Inspire individuals to feel extraordinary and engaged about themselves and their lives and urge them to be certain and do positive things. Since Gabriele has tried sincerely and remained centered, her composition and thing that she disdains most pretty much the entirety of the going to various settings to perform is that she never truly gets an opportunity to associate with the crowd and individuals from the network, there is no an ideal opportunity for that with her feverish timetable. Despite the fact that she is a superb entertainer, she despite everything has off days when she is experiencing something ND would prefer to be secured away her room thinking while at the same time consuming a light than putting on an act. .u8d22b0072357fa55b97cd5f06c2f646c , .u8d22b0072357fa55b97cd5f06c2f646c .postImageUrl , .u8d22b0072357fa55b97cd5f06c2f646c .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u8d22b0072357fa55b97cd5f06c2f646c , .u8d22b0072357fa55b97cd5f06c2f646c:hover , .u8d22b0072357fa55b97cd5f06c2f646c:visited , .u8d22b0072357fa55b97cd5f06c2f646c:active { border:0!important; } .u8d22b0072357fa55b97cd5f06c2f646c .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u8d22b0072357fa55b97cd5f06c2f646c { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u8d22b0072357fa55b97cd5f06c2f646c:active , .u8d22b0072357fa55b97cd5f06c2f646c:hover { obscurity: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u8d22b0072357fa55b97cd5f06c2f646c .focused content zone { width: 100%; position: rela tive; } .u8d22b0072357fa55b97cd5f06c2f646c .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-enrichment: underline; } .u8d22b0072357fa55b97cd5f06c2f646c .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u8d22b0072357fa55b97cd5f06c2f646c .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe sweep: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-enhancement: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/basic arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8d22b0072357fa55b97cd5f06c2f646c:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u8d22b0072357fa55b97cd5f06c 2f646c .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u8d22b0072357fa55b97cd5f06c2f646c-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u8d22b0072357fa55b97cd5f06c2f646c:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Understanding sensational disaster EssayBecause her vocation has taken off so rapidly, she understood that she should consistently be an entertainer and put on the most ideal act that she can for her crowd. As indicated by Gabriele, the thing she loves most about what she does is meeting individuals everywhere throughout the world and having the chance to put engaging thoughts in their minds. Gabriele trusts that through her compositions and exhibitions, she places overwhelming thoughts into her crowds heads and leaves them with the sentiment of mating to do enormous things that will change lives, or perhaps the world. Gabriele Garcia Medina, verbally expressed word artist, tough lady, loaded with information, motivates others with her musings, enthralls them with her words, certain about what her identity is and isnt hesitant to communicate her considerations as verse on a phase before thousands. I had the delight of meeting her and seeing her show, I may overlook her name after some time; however her words are something that have contacted my heart everlastingly and some of them are scratched in my brain.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Break the Ice by Holden Pan free essay sample
In the event that youre ever feeling grief stricken, forlorn, or just truly exhausted from envisioning the following Brand New or Taking Back Sunday collection to come out, at that point Holden Pan could simply be the band youll like. With great verses on falling all through affection (So I attempted to break the ice today/yet I brought a subsequent ice age/imagined that we could talk it out/the status will represent itself with no issue) ,Blink 182-esque guitar introductions, and a snappy beat to go with artist Desmond Zantuos pop-punky voice, this band hails from Floral Park is probably going to deeply inspire you with their ongoing EP, Breaking the Ice. The third track Are You Sayin Pam or Pan' is ideal for anyone that is simply tired of never discovering somebody to love (And Im going to overlook the buzzwords of all the fish out in the ocean/cause all the gets have been captured/and the sea is unfilled). We will compose a custom paper test on Break the Ice by Holden Pan or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The principal tune An is the thing that anyone whos experiencing difficulties with a sweetheart or a companion can tune in to (How could closest companions simply plummet/to companions without benefits). To become familiar with this appealing band, go to Holdenpan.com, or look at their myspace, facebook, or purevolume page for additional tunes to hear.
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Splash 2018
Splash 2018 Heyo everyone! Its Mimi again! I recently became a member of MITs Educational Studies Program, a student group that runs a variety of educational events such as Splash, Spark, Cascade, and several others! The program Im focusing on is Splash. If you dont know, Splash is basically MIT students teaching high schoolers about any topic they want. To give you a sense of the range, when I did Splash 2017 (as a senior and before I got accepted to MIT, how time flies!) I did a game design class, early solar system, basic Japanese, partial differential equations (I dont know multivariable calc, I just thought it would be interesting), quaternions, a queer event (oh look, shes being gay again), and a few others that I cant recall at the moment. But seriously, the breadth is absolutely astonishing! There are already over 400 classes! And they all take place on November 17 to 18! There is really one more reason I wanted to talk about Splash: Im gonna teach a class! So basically, I was kind of disappointed by the game design/dev class because it was spoiled with technical issues and bugs that made it rather frustrating. I wanted to correct those issues and also teach about something new and interesting. My class is called Intro to Game Development with Love 3. As the title suggests, the class is about making games using a framework called Love. One of the things that isnt suggested is that its also an intro to programming course, so no real experience is required! One of the reasons I wanted to teach about Love is that it was my primary game framework in both middle school and high school! While I didnt do anything worth while in middle school (except for some dumb game about passing bills in congress and stuff), Im somewhat fond of my high school work. I mean, its still highly amateurish, but kind of charming. One that I made during sophomore year is called Bullet Helloween (There will be a link here to the source code in the future, once I have scrubbed it). You played as a witch who had to shoot down a variety of different monsters (pumpkins, weird skellys, and evil candy corn). One of my favorite aspects of the game is the different effects that the different weapons you use have on the enemies. The ghost ray shoots much faster than all the other weapons, is much stronger against the pumpkin enemies, but causes the skeleton dudes to go much faster. The candy corn weapon travels in an arc and is super effect against candy corn (a slight ref erence to Megaman 2s Metal Man), but causes the pumpkins to gain health and stop moving. Here is a video of it in action: Bullet-Helloween So yeah, come check out Splash. Come take my class :D If you cant make it to MIT, many other schools have Splashes as well. I highly recommend checking them out and trying to go to one if you can! Thats about all I have to say,
Saturday, May 23, 2020
What Is A Co Occurring Disorder Essay - 2263 Words
What is a Co-Occurring Disorder? Many individuals suffer on a daily basis with one mental disorder let alone multiple. Few have the resources needed to cope and can turn to other methods of improvement without thinking about the potential outcomes of addictions and worsen their condition. Mental disorders are often than not linked to substance abuse because of the stigma placed over humanity. Society places such a constricting grasp on what is considered normal that people are hiding their symptoms and attempting to mask them to get by; only causing chaos to their lives. It is easier to try an attempt to mask symptoms with alcohol and other narcotics. I chose to focus on Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) mixed with Substance Abuse for the focus of this piece. All of this can be alleviated by erasing the stigma we ve placed and given these people the many methods of help they seek. One of the first things to think about is the comorbidity between abuse disorders and other mental disorders from an epidemiological standpoint. What is comorbidity exactly? The term was introduced to â€Å"refer to any distinct additional clinical entity that has existed or that may occur during the clinical course of a patient who has the index disease under study.†Which basically means when two or more medical conditions ensue simultaneously or consecutively in the same individual they are commonly said to be comorbid. 1 It is quite interesting that the occurrence of comorbidity is also aShow MoreRelatedRelationship Between Mental Health And Addiction1470 Words  | 6 Pagessomeone you love is seeking treatment for a substance abuse related disorder in addition to a psychiatric disorder, you will come across two terms in your research: co-occurring disorders and dual diagnosis. Right off you may be more concerned about simply getting help for your addiction. Maybe it has caused you to lose your job and your family is in tatters. It s important to note that when substance abuse and mental illness co-occur specialized treatment is needed. First, however, you must understandRead MoreThe Prevalence of Co-Occurring Disorders Essay893 Words  | 4 PagesPREVALENCE OF CO-OCCURRING DISORDERS The Prevalence of Co-Occurring Disorders Launita D. Joseph Grand Canyon University August 15, 2012 The Prevalence of Co-Occurring Disorders When a counselor has a new client they are working with, the client has to be assessed. When being assessed the counselor has to determine what issues the client may have. Through being assessed, the counselor may come to realize the client has more than one issue which is called co-occurring disorders. At this pointRead MoreSubstance Abuse And Mental Health Disorders Essay1507 Words  | 7 Pages2014). Co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders is further complicated by a high prevalence of trauma histories in women in corrections (Lynch et al., 2012). The presence of intersecting co-occurring disorders and trauma may negative impact treatment outcomes and retention rates for women in community corrections (Tull, Gratz, Coffey, Weiss, McDermott, 2013; Gilbert, Morrissey, Domino, 2011). Through literature, we can create a better understanding of how the impact of co-occurringRead MoreEssay On Mental Health Treatment Program1560 Words  | 7 PagesMental Health tre atment program and/ or organization focus on co-occurring diagnosis and structures to develop co-occurring disorder treatment services. This program is a non-profit, privately owned organization. It provides social services in Miami, FL. This mental health treatment program and organization will provide comprehensive behavioral healthcare to homeless women who have severe, persistent mental illness, or with co-occurring substance abuse and mental illness’. The organizations MentalRead MoreMental Illness And Substance Abuse901 Words  | 4 Pagescounselor to properly understand both the differences between acute primary psychiatric disorders and any underlying psychiatric symptoms, caused by alcohol and other drugs. Sometimes the addiction needs to be treated first in order for the mental illness to be properly identified and successfully treated. Also addiction counselors need to understand mental health disorder treatments. Clients with co-occurring substance abuse and me ntal health illness problems may benefit from substance abuse treatmentsRead MoreBILL PROPOSAL1062 Words  | 5 Pageswith Co-occurring disorders In the Arizonan House of Representative A severe mental illness (SMI) is an assembly of mainly psychotic conditions that are, by description, extensive and related to compromised societal functioning. As stated by the surgeon general’s report of 2010, one out of five adults, or nearly 40 million Americans, suffer from some type of psychological disorder annually. In addition, about five percent of the U.S population suffers from chronic mental disorder forRead MoreParanoid Personality Disorder and Substance Use Disorder: Co-Occurring1709 Words  | 7 PagesParanoid Personality Disorder and Substance Use Disorder: Co-occurring Personality disorders affect 10-15% of the adult US population. A personality disorder is a very rigid pattern of inner experience and outward behavior. According to SAMHSA over 8.9 million persons have co-occurring disorders; that is that they have both mental and substance use disorders. Only 7.4% receive treatment and 55.8% receive no treatment at all. The National Survey on Drug use and Health states that there were 45Read MoreThe Effects Of Comorbid Alcohol And Depression And Four Solely On Depression1492 Words  | 6 Pagestreating co-occurring disorder. Despite its common clinical use, long-term trials that have been conducted to examine the efficacy of CBT are limited and often lack appropriate comparison (Watkins et al., 2012). Though it is evidently an effective treatment for Depression and AD, it reaches only a fraction of those who might benefit. Yet, guidelines endorse psychotherapeutic practices such as CBT, as a first-line treatment for outpatients, and surveys of people with this co-occurring disorder haveRead MoreEssay on Pharmacotherapy in Drug Addiction1382 Words  | 6 PagesHowever in order to provide a client with an ethical treatment and unbiased opinions they should be made aware of all scientific evidence of different treatment options. â€Å"Thus, attention to addiction pharmacotherapy is an ethical mandate no matter what prejudices a counselor may have†(Capuzzi Stauffer, 2008, p. 196). Some particular pharmacotherapy’s a counselor may use for the treatment of addiction are Bupropion (Wellbutrin , Zyban), Disulfiram (Antabuse), Naltrexone (ReVia, Depade), MethadoneRead MoreMotivational Interviewing : Motivation And Process1686 Words  | 7 Pageswith asking open ended questions to get the person talking about what is going on for them from their own perspective. Other opening strategies include affirming what the patient is feeling/ thinking, reflecting back what the patient has stated, using opening questions to gather more information from the patient, eliciting concerns, emphasizing personal choice, using extremes, supporting self- advocacy, and asking the key question â€Å"what do you make of all this?†(Moyers, 1998). A key piece of motivational
Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Powers Of Rational Being Freedom Of The Will
The laws of nature as well as past and present states of the world motivate our actions, whether or not we are able to recognize the complex causes for the decisions we make. Every choice is the result of factors outside of our control. â€Å"Free will†can only exist if a person truly has the choice between multiple possible options; however, as hard determinists claim, every choice is fixed to only one possible outcome based on any number of existing outside factors. While libertarians believe in the concept of free will and choices based entirely on personal deliberation, compatibilists assert that the state of the world does potentially offer multiple outcomes, and so free will is possible alongside determinism. Peter van Inwagen, in his article, â€Å"The Powers of Rational Being: Freedom of the Will†states that the belief in free will is necessary for survival to avoid chronic indecisiveness, although he confuses the absence of free will for the absence of action , and simply makes an unconvincing case for duping oneself into believing in free will. While believing in the concept of free will necessarily ignores the influence of unchanging outside motivators, hard determinism provides a logical position on how certain results come to be without contradicting our ability to choose. The theory of causal determinism explains the way in which the laws of nature and the state of the world govern our decisions. There can be only one fixed outcome for every scenario, because man â€Å"isShow MoreRelated Freedom and Reason In Kant Essay1560 Words  | 7 PagesFreedom and Reason in Kant Morality, Kant says, cannot be regarded as a set of rules which prescribe the means necessary to the achievement of a given end; its rules must be obeyed without consideration of the consequences that will follow from doing so or not. A principle that presupposes a desired object as the determinant of the will cannot give rise to a moral law; that is, the morality of an act of will cannot be determined by the matter or content of the will for when the will is Read MoreThe Rational Way Of Life843 Words  | 4 PagesThe Rational Way of Life Epictetus’ Stoic Recommendation of Freedom Freedom is an arbitrary concept that has been and will always be limited. The notion of freedom is possible among equals, however, equality itself is universally different. Arendt, a political theorist, believes political freedom manifests through action, her reliance on the ability to act implies that humans can tangibly live freely. Epictetus on the other hand, believes that all humans can be internally free if they had a stoicRead MoreThe Purpose Of This Work Is To Explore Machiavelli’S Political1623 Words  | 7 Pageseffects. His praise of tumults has inspired scholars not only to relate the notion of humors to the discussion of political freedom, but also to find the origin of the Modern Republicanism in his political philosophy. Focusing on the irrational cause of humors, however, existing studies have slightly overlooked rational causes such as idea or reason or knowledge of political freedom when there are conflicts between the nobles and the people. As an attempt to the limitation of the existing studies, thisRead MorePower, Authority And Power And The Views Of The State1388 Words  | 6 Pagesauthority and power and the views of JS Mill and Plato, giving their thoughts, ideas and styles. The researcher will also apply these definitions of authority and democracy to both Mill’s and Plato’s theories of the state. Heywood tells us that authority is, in the broadest sense of the word, a form of power which can be thought of as ‘legitimate power’. He goes on to say how power, â€Å"is the ability to influence others†(Heywood, 2000). It is important to remember that authority and power are differentRead MoreHappiness Is An Activity Of The Soul1449 Words  | 6 Pagesand the rational. The irrational part consists of the vegetative part that is in charge of nutrition and growth, and the appetitive aspect that dominates our impulses. The vegetative part has a very small link to virtue, while the appetitive part â€Å"shares in it, in so far as it listens to and obeys it, this is the sense in which we speak of â€Å"taking account’ of one’s father or ones friends.†The rational part of the soul is in control of the impulses more; meaning one who is truly rational can betterRead MoreTilich, Marx and Feuerbach637 Words  | 3 Pagesof having a â€Å"wil l to believe.†This argument derives from Tillich’s belief that faith is the state of being ultimately concerned. Faith requires both rational and non-rational elements. Although faith is ecstatic, there must be a certain amount of awareness. The individual must be aware that there needs to be truth and ethical value associated to their belief. Indeed, man is the only living being that â€Å"has spiritual concerns- cognitive, aesthetic, social, and political.†(1) Therefore, faith is anRead More Communism vs. Hegelism 1679 Words  | 7 Pageswas in the process of being overthrown; there was political and civil unrest throughout Europe. In the midst of all this turmoil Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel emerged, presenting an analysis of history that would echo through the future, an understanding of the human condition, and an estimate of the end of said history and what would bring it about. This end of history would be brought about by the State, for the State’s sole purpose was to bring positive change and freedom to the individual. LessRead MoreJohn Locke And Modern Capitalism1204 Words  | 5 PagesJohn Locke was a philosopher that didn’t think human thought was based on pure egoistic behavior . Locke believed people were partially altruistic, believing that people respected the rights of others by rational thought capabilities. There is speculation about how John Locke would view the modern idea of American Capitalism and how it would complement or conflict his idea of the social contract. I will argue that John Locke would be against this interpretation of modern capitalism. There are differentRead MoreThe Political And Moral Thought Of Rousseau And Kant1571 Words  | 7 PagesConceptions of Freedom in the Political and Moral Thought of Rousseau and Kant In the Age of Enlightenment, both Rousseau and Kant discuss the idea of freedom concerning a man’s will. In spite of their shared conception of freedom as self-legislative autonomy, they differ markedly in terms of what freedom really means. The substantive differences between their accounts of freedom illustrate the two philosophers’ different perceptions about the norms of a civil state, which I suggest, are both flawedRead MoreEssay about Isaiah Berlin’s Two Concepts of Liberty790 Words  | 4 Pagesidentifies and contrasts the two components of freedom: negative and positive liberty. While the author’s voice is often confused amidst the frequent references to other political philosophies from Platonic to Millian theories, Berlin successfully argues that both of these notions can be misconstrued to the point where liberty itself is sacrificed. Although reasonable, Berlin’s assessment of the two concepts seems artificial and effortlessly simpl e, as if freedom could be defined according to a rubric;
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Business and Internet Free Essays
What is the internet? The Internet is a worldwide collection of computer networks, cooperating with each other to exchange data using a common software standard. Through telephone wires and satellite links, Internet users can share information in a variety of forms. How does it work? Internet allows users to: connect easily through ordinary personal computers and local phone numbers, exchange electronic mail (E-mail) with friends and colleagues with accounts on the Internet, post information for others to access, and update it frequently, access multimedia information that includes sound, photographic images and even video, and access diverse perspectives from around the world. We will write a custom essay sample on Business and Internet or any similar topic only for you Order Now How does it provide business value? People search the Internet with some questions or concern in mind. That is the importance behind all the keywords being placed on your website through traditional Search Engine Optimization. However, once the person has found one of your pages on the search engine, what unique value does your website offer to prospective clients / customers? Websites allow for easy access anytime to your companies information. Explain how the domain name and IP addressing system work. If you’ve ever used the Internet, it’s a good bet that you’ve used the domain even without realizing it. DNS is a protocol within the set of standards for how computers exchange data on the Internet and on many private networks. Its basic job is to turn a user-friendly domain name that computers use to identify each other on the network. It’s like your computer’s GPS for the Internet. Computers and other network devices on the Internet use an IP address to route your request to the site you’re trying to reach. This is similar to dialing a phone number to connect to the person you’re trying to call. List and describe the principal internet services. Internet services consist of communication, news, weather conditions, shopping and entertainment. You can do faxing, calling, surfing, browsing and marketing in internet and even crimes, etc. List and describe alternative ways of locating information on the web. Search engines- The search engines are the first place everyone heads to and they have become household names. Subject Directories If you have a specific piece of information you are looking for and it fits neatly into a particular category this is a good place to start. These sites include libraries, academic institutions, research facilities and usually include the ‘best of the best’ as well as peer-reviewed publications for business and academics. Directories have even been created by both Google and Yahoo. Social Networking Social Networking is the latest craze on the Internet and includes online communities of people who share certain interests, activities, etc. While many of them are just about connecting to other people, some can be used to glean new information from the web. Services such as StumbleUpon will give you recommendations on websites that might be of interest to you based on a set of interests and keywords. Other services like LinkedIn focus on connecting people in business but also give you a resource where you can ask for the opinions of others or to be pointed in the right direction. Social Bookmarking Social Bookmarking sites like Reddit, Delicious and Digg all allow users to bookmark or share links of interest. They all contain categories and notifications so you needn’t go searching, the information can even be brought to you to save time. All three have ways for users to increase (and possibly decrease) the popularity or relevant importance of some links that are dropped into the services. Not all links bookmarked at these sites will be useful but many could be interesting, informative or something you might use later. The peer-review means that others find the links useful and help them float to the top so to be more easily found. How to cite Business and Internet, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Managers And The Process Of Change Essays - Economy,
Managers And The Process Of Change Moving organisations from current to future changed states is not easy and requires skills and knowledge some managers do not possess Introduction The desperate call-to-arms, Change or Die which can be heard echoing down the corridors of businesses everywhere is evidence that leaders have recognised the need to change. Managers know that companies must be fast, flexible, responsive, resilient, and creative to survive. Most also know that current mind-sets, techniques, and tools are ineffective for creating such an organisation. These people are displaying the talents required to successfully negotiate change. They are aware of the limitations around or within themselves and are willing to learn the necessary skills required to succeed as change managers. Change is the process of moving from one state to another. Just as moving house requires the massive packing of furniture and other items, change requires just as much preparations to be successful. Most people do not like change, they like things to remain the same. Changes require more effort to adapt. It threatens stability and security and people fear that they will not be able to cope. Resistance is the natural defence to such perceived threats. A good manager has to be able to work with and overcome resistance he/she must be able to control the whole process of change. With this in mind, I have considered the role of the manager, what his/her function is and what skills are required to enable him/her to be a successful change manager. Function of Managers Fayol (1908) identified the functions of the manager as: 1. Setting objectives 2. Organisation 3. Motivation 4. Control or measurement 5. Co-ordination These functions are as true today as they were then, but I consider communication as the key to them. It is the essential function in successful change management. Drucker (1977 in Stewart 1986) also makes the important addition of, the development of people. Each of the functions can be seen as essential to managing emergent or planned change, however it is the balance of skills and knowledge combined that produce a successful change manager. With these points in mind we then consider organisations and their nature. Organisations their nature and culture. Organisations are living social organisms, each with its own culture, character, nature, and identity. Every organisation has its own history of success, which reinforces and strengthens the organisations way of doing things. The older and more successful the organisation, the stronger its culture, its nature, its identity becomes. They are communities of people with a mission (Putman, 1990 in Buchanan and Huczinsky, 1991), not machines. The basic nature of a living social organism is naturally more fundamental, deeper in the hierarchy, and therefore much more powerful than business work processes, financial systems, business strategy, vision, supply chains, information technology, lean manufacturing, marketing plans, team behaviour, corporate governance. All of these phenomena are important. But they are less fundamentally important than the basic nature of organisations as living social organisms. This critically important reality must be where any intervention starts. When this occurs, the intervention has a chance of working. To enable this managers must be able to combine their knowledge of the above systems with response ability. If we look at Figure 1, it demonstrates the fine balance required by a manager to remain agile, allowing him/her to manage a changing organisation whilst taking into consideration the infrastructure of the organisation. Agility is an important skill for a manager to possess, if he/she is able to reach this point then they are more likely to be manage change efficiently. Fig. 1 (Schneider, B. 1997.) Whether a particular change will work or not is related to the extent to which the idea behind it takes constant process of patterned change into account. Determining where an organisation has been, where it is currently, and where it is primarily poised to go next is critically important before any change is attempted. Indeed, what managers must do is discover the unique patterns and processes - and then work to influence them in a manner that helps the organisation to help itself function more efficiently and effectively. The pattern of dynamic relationships at the organisation level is culture, which explains why organisational culture is so powerful. So powerful, in fact, that its impact supersedes all other factors
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Generating and Pitching Story Ideas
Generating and Pitching Story Ideas With the ubiquitous presence of the Internet, coming up with story pitches and finding out where to pitch them has never been easier. There are publications for just about any hobby, industry, quirk, fetish, subculture and subject you could possibly think of. And resources abound for reaching them.Unlike assignments, with pitches you get to propose writing about something you choose. So think about what you would like to write about- stamp collecting? Minorities in the construction industry? Your personal experience with heartbreak? Whatever the subject is, you should be ready to research it, interview people about it and spend a lot of time thinking about it.Nothing new under the sunOf course, whatever it is youve thought of pitching, chances are its been written about before. So you have to find out where and how. Lexis-Nexis, usually available at the local library, is an excellent way to research articles on a certain subject. Google searches on the Web or archive searches on regi stered websites for major publications (which is usually free, although pulling up the archived stories in full may not be) can also give you a reasonable body of material. And plenty of websites with articles on that subject will pop up for free. Also check for organizations that relate to that topic, because they often list articles as well.Shape your pitch with a new angleYou dont have to search for every story written on the subject since the dawn of time. Lets say its a pitch about women in the construction industry. Dont worry about the articles written on this subject that date back more than five years ago. Thats ancient history in the world of publications. Youll probably find a good selection of stories written in major dailies and small weeklies within the past five years, but thats where the next tip comes in.Lets say you find that the New York Times has published a story about the struggles of women to succeed in the construction industry. Does that mean your pitch is a lready taken? Absolutely not. What it means is that you read the story, get a sense of what it did cover, and shape your pitch so that it will cover a whole new angle or idea that the Times story didnt. Did the Times story talk about women who faced discrimination and went on to own their own firms? Then think about interviewing women who dont own their own firms, but who operate cranes or weld iron. Youll look for women whose stories werent told by the Times. Even if the issue of discrimination is the same, every individuals story is different. Just as good literature offers new twists to old plots, so you can offer new twists to subjects of articles.Also, consider localizing a story for a local publication. Journalists for smaller hometown newspapers often take a story of national interest and apply it to their hometown readers. For example, the Atkins Diet is a nation-wide trend, but you could interview local bakeries about whether theyre losing business, and pitch the story to t he editor of a local publication.Now you have to find publications to pitch your great idea to. Fortunately, its not nearly as tough as pitching your book to publishers. I pitched several stories successfully to the New York Times Money Business section via e-mail. This was made possible by nothing more than having the right name and e-mail address. A colleague had the email and name of the Money Business editor. I sent the guy an email with a story proposal that he accepted.Editors, especially at dailies, will be typically harried and easily distracted from strange e-mails. So you have to get straight to the point, while still being polite. Make it clear in the header that you are pitching a story about thus-and-so. Dont ramble on in the body; if the editor wants to know more about your credentials or history, he or she will ask for it. Just pitch the story, emphasizing why it would be something the publications audience will eat up with their coffee or lunch. I believe this topi c/angle/knowledge would be of great interest to your readers because†¦. Attaching your resume wouldnt hurt, and you can offer to send examples of your writing if the editor wants to follow up.You can also, of course, use snail mail. Be aware, though, that particularly busy editors may take more time to plow through stacks of envelopes than to browse their email inboxes.If there is a particular publication you want to work for, call their main number and ask for editorial. You should be able to find out fairly quickly whether they are accepting freelance articles or not. Checking the website for that publication may also answer the question.An excellent online resource for insider tips on pitching to specific publications is at mediabistro.com. It does require a paid membership, though registration to access job listings that may include freelance opportunities is free. The pitch tips feature a specific publication each day and tell you what the deal is.Take the time to read thr ough a particular publication to get a sense of what kind of stories it wants. Editors find it very irritating to receive unsolicited pitches that arent appropriate for their publication. Dont assume! For example, I edit transportation stories for a weekly construction magazine. I look for stories about building major highways, bridges, rail systems and airports. If somebody sends me a pitch about manufacturing the next generation of clean-air buses, that means they didnt take them to glance through the magazine and realize that we dont cover that industry. The pitcher only saw the title transportation editor and made an assumption.That writer, however, could probably do a bit more research and find out that there are indeed several magazines that cater to the suppliers, builders and users of clean-air buses. The writer could also check out publications whose main audiences consists of concerned users- i.e. environmentalists- and pitch the story with emissions in mind. It will be a slightly different pitch to the publication who caters to transit agency officials who buy the buses.When you show that youve taken the time to find out a little bit about a given publication and thus pitch it a story that would work for its readership, youre inherently advertising that youre a good journalist and writer who does your homework.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
How Ballast Water Systems Work
How Ballast Water Systems Work A ballast water system is essential for the safe operation of a ship, but the operation of these systems causes significant threats to the environment and local economy. What Is a Ballast Water System? A ballast water system allows a ship to pump water in and out of very large tanks to compensate for a change in cargo load, shallow draft conditions, or weather. The capacity of ballast water tanks might be millions of gallons on a large vessel. This allows vessels to carry a light or heavy load while maintaining ideal buoyancy and handling conditions in all situations.A ship might discharge all ballast water tanks to pass a shallow area or forward tanks only to raise the bow in rough open seas.Physical components of the system include; raw water intakes, large and small strainers, pumps, distribution pipes, ballast water tanks, treatment system, discharge system, and all the valves, sensors, and controls to run the equipment. Invasive Species in Ballast Water Invasive species are a significant threat to ecosystems and the economies of the affected areas. Researchers think that about one-third of all documented invasive plants and animals are able to travel in the ballast water tanks of ships. Zebra Mussels were introduced into Lake Saint Clair in 1988 when a ship emptied ballast water into the Great Lakes System. The Great Lakes hold nearly twenty percent of the earth’s fresh surface water in a watershed system. The non-native mussels eliminated native varieties once used by industry and have caused an estimated 7 billion dollars (US) in damage by encrusting or clogging underwater equipment essential to industrial and recreational activities.Sea Lamprey and ​Spiny Water Fleas are organisms which feed off of host fish or compete with young fish for food. Many species of fish impacted by these invasive species have significant commercial or sporting value. These animals and others can live in fresh or salt water and may spread into inland waterways from saline ports and harbors.Plants can also travel long distances in ballast water. Eurasian Milfoil is a surface plant which can clog equipment and deter recreation where it forms thick mats. Eurasian Milfoil was introduced to the United States in the 1940s. Because the plant can produce large colonies from only one small fragment it is likely the plant was introduced in the ballast water of a ship. Resolving Ballast Water Issues For years amateurs and professional researchers have experimented with a huge array of weapons to combat invasive species in a ship’s ballast water. Most of the difficulty is due to the fact that huge volumes of water must be treated in a reasonably short period of time. Many land-based systems for treating public supplies takes many hours or days to pass water through their treatment systems. A ship, on the other hand, must be able to discharge ballast water as quickly as cargo is loaded. In emergency situations, ballast tanks need to empty as quickly as possible. A quick pass through most ballast water treatment systems is not enough to kill all the organisms that may be present. Ballast Water Treatment Solutions and Shortcomings No Discharge or Ballast Exchange Rules: International, National, and Local law govern ballast water discharge. Some areas require ballast tanks to be sealed while others allow ballast to be exchanged. Ballast exchange allows tanks to be filled with local waters. Sealed ballast tanks may need to be emptied in an emergency situation and exchange is hindered by the fact that foreign waters must be discharged in close proximity to ​the sensitive area for vessels to operate safely.Mechanical Filters: Filters which are fine enough to remove the small immature young and eggs of invasive species clog quickly and require constant maintenance.Thermal Treatment: The idea is to heat ballast water to kill any unwanted organisms. Unfortunately heating such a huge volume of water is impractical due to time and energy constraints.Other Energy Treatments: Ultraviolet, sonic, and other radiation have all been tried but have similar problems to a thermal treatment; limits on time and energy.Chem ical Treatments: One of the earliest and most dangerous of all the methods used to control invasive species in ballast water. Chlorine bleach and other toxic chemicals will kill existing organisms but the release of these chemicals on the scale necessary to treat every ship would reach toxic levels for all aquatic life near the discharge points. The Future of Ballast Water Treatment Researchers are pursuing this difficult and financially lucrative goal at institutions around the world. In 2011, a team announced their successful small-scale test of a two-phase ballast treatment system which eliminates unwanted organisms and produces sodium bicarbonate as a byproduct. The system is undergoing full-size tests in the Great Lakes. The test for a scalable system is expected to perform well. It is not clear how regulatory agencies around the world will respond to the potential discharge of industrial amounts of sodium bicarbonate into their waters. Sodium bicarbonate is a common and safe chemical in small amounts, but studies must be conducted to assure this method is safe for long term use.
Monday, February 17, 2020
All the Light we cannot see Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
All the Light we cannot see - Research Paper Example As a matter of fact, that as the essential reason why the then global leaders saw it suitable to establish the League of Nations, which has developed into the United Nations Organization. In his novel titled All the Light We Cannot See, distinguished American author and literature fanatic Anthony Doerr uses the book’s setting to open the eyes of the World to some of the unfortunate events that took place during the World War. Doerr employs various literary charms such as characterization and tone, to demonstrate the devastating consequences of war and the approaches an individual can employ to bring the best out of the situation amidst the myriad of challenges (Anthony Doerr Book Website). This research paper therefore aims to provide further insight on how Anthony Doerr has employed setting, plot and tone to take us through one of the darkest periods in World history; World War Two. Literary scholars have overtime reaffirmed the fact that the setting of any work of art is important, particularly because it plays a significant role in determining whether the author is successful in driving his or her message home. All the light we cannot see is set in both France and Germany with several events taking place between 1930s and 1940s. Whereas the events in Germany revolve around the life of Warner Pfenning and his sister Jutta who are both orphaned, it is imperative to note that the Doerr is in essence trying to shed more light on the Nazi culture, and some of the principles they cohere to so profoundly. At the same time, the decision of the author to focus Marie-Laure’s undertakings in the city of Paris is essentially aimed at helping the vast audience make sense of the cultures and beliefs of the French in the period leading to and after World War Two. Going through the text, it is apparent that the setting within which all the lights we cannot see is documented is in line with the historical events of the
Monday, February 3, 2020
Financial Management Master Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Financial Management Master - Case Study Example It prides itself in the following retail brands: B&Q; Castorama; Brico Depot and Screwfix. Progressively, the company has been faring pretty well over the years, consequently scooping a pre-tax profit of three hundred and eighty six million pounds generated from a total sale of over nine billion pounds within the first quarter of the 2008 financial year (kingfisher.com). Investment will be reprioritized, targeting higher hurdle rates and faster payback periods. A key target is to stabilize debt at current levels, prior to reducing it in due course. A target of flat rate debt has been set for the current year. Greater focus will be placed on generating higher cash returns from the retail businesses. Stretching targets for sales growth, margin improvement and cost reduction will be drawn (http://www.ekingfisher.com/managed_content/files/downloads/2008ar.pdf ). With these key priorities it is evidenced that the management of kingfisher are committed to the survival profitability and sustenance of the company which is a very good indication of share prices increasing. The market for the product is very lucrative since home improvement is an attractive segment of retail, benefiting from natural long- term demand. Characteristics coupled with demand for more new housing and more frequent home renewal. The market also benefits from variety of products being common across international market, which gave rise to outsourcing and Economics of Scale; but within this market kingfisher is enjoying a large geographically diversified business. However, delivering these values to shareholders from this strong strategic position ill require the charges which have been talked about. The number of shares opened by the Company in various Countries will enhance the profitability base of kingfisher. This is enhanced by the management by the practice of decentralized management approach which gives power to their retail businesses largely operating independently but participating in group- wide programs for local advantage. This approach will enhance high turnover as local customers will adapt to the products. Operating Review of Kingfisher Plc With Retail profit growing rapidly for the past five years it has put the company in a good position to expand its operations in various sectors of the business. For example in 2007/2008 report of kingfisher retail profit grew 13.2% to 237million pounds with both businesses delivering a good profit growth. Gross margins were up90 basis points due to higher own- brand sales penetration, a 25% increase in direct sourcing and an improved sales and strong cost control. In France for instance kingfisher's total sales grew 7.2% and eight new shares were opened and in the year six were
Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Impact Of Innovation
The Impact Of Innovation In this assignment, the importance of innovation and the impact that it has in successful companies will be discussed. Theories and examples of innovation will be shown as well as relevant information about apples history and detailed product information. Also it will be debated the importance that Innovation have had in Apple company. A SWOT analysis of Apple will be presented as additional information. Topics as Leadership and Change management are included due to its high relationship with the performance of a company and its direction in a long term, in this case is Apple the chosen company. Literature review 1. INTRODUCTION Throughout history the concept of innovation has been debated. Since the time of classical economists this issue has been present, even in the current age. Also important authors have highlighted innovation as essential for the socio-economic that is why it is relevant to study this phenomenon. Innovation is one of the key factors for companies that want to compete in an increasingly international and global market. But to qualify for that capacity, companies must invest in knowledge, structure, research and a good strategy to enable them to decide, from the beginning, who they want to become. There are many definitions about the term innovation and numerous theoretical contributions around this phenomenon. The term innovate comes from the Latin etymology innovare that mean change or alter things by introducing new features (Medina Salgado Espindola and Espinosa 1994). Innovation is the production, assimilation and successful exploitation of novelty in the economic and social environment 1.2 DEFINITIONS OF INNOVATION Innovation is the process of integrating existing technology and inventions to create or improve a product, a process or a system. Innovation in an economic sense is the consolidation of a new product, process or system improvement (Freeman, C., 1982) Innovation is the specific tool of entrepreneurs (Peter Drucker 1985) The act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth (Peter Drucker 1985). Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower (Steve Jobs 2005) Joseph Schumpeter defined innovation in a general sense, took into account different cases of change to be considered as a innovation. These are: the market introduction of a new good or new class of goods, the use of a new source of raw materials (both product innovation), the incorporation of a new production method not experienced in a particular sector or a new way of dealing commercially a new product (process innovation), or market innovation which is the establishment of a new market structure (Joseph Schumpeter 1935) 2. TYPES OF INNOVATION There are three main types of innovation Product Innovation It is the market introduction of a new technology product (whose technological characteristics differ significantly from previous products) or significantly improved (previously existing whose performance has been improved or greatly improved) Process Innovation Is the adoption of new production methods or significantly improved. Can be use to produce or deliver technologically new or improved products, which cannot be produced or delivered using conventional methods of production, also it could increase primarily the efficiency of production. Organizational Innovation It is the introduction of changes in the forms of management of the establishment. There are new changes in the organization and management process, incorporating new organizational structures 2.1 INNOVATION MODELS There are several innovation models, which 4 of them are common and relevant Linear model The linear model of innovation is an interpretation of the act of innovation, outdated but is still applied in many cases. This model is a way of theorizing the logical sequence of the process that results in innovation. Sequence is too rigid to describe a process that depends not only on science / technology or market to initialize the generation of innovations. The strict separation between invention, innovation and marketing does not accurately represent the dynamics of innovation today. The linear model is a first generation model, and only takes into account the thrust of science / technology or market pull (concepts 50-60-70 years) as a means to begin the process of innovation Open model Open model Innovation is a new innovation strategy in which companies get innovation that comes from outside the companys internal boundaries. This term was coined by Henry Chesbrough, who in his book Open Innovation, proposes to open the creative processes of innovation, in order to get innovative ideas from any source, whether internal or external to the company, and not only from the areas dedicated to the business activity Open Innovation means combining internal knowledge with external professional cooperation. Thus, research centers as well as universities, experts and other companies offer solutions to companies of what is known as collective intelligence. This will break new ground, contacts, opportunities, where innovative ideas flow freely from any source Teece model Teece proposes a model that takes into account two factors that are important to profit from innovation: ease of imitation (imitability) and complementary assets. The imitability can come of intellectual property, protection of technology or the fact that imitators have no powers to mimic the technology. Complementary assets are beyond the capabilities-technology that the firm needs to exploit (manufacturing, marketing, redistribution channels, service, reputation, brand and complementary technologies) Blue ocean- The author focuses on the need to put aside destructive competition between companies if you want to be a winner in the future, expanding the horizons of the market and create value through innovation. the author differentiates two most common competitive situations in any industry: blue oceans and red oceans. Red oceans represent all the industries that exist today, while blues symbolize business ideas currently unknown. In red oceans industries limits are well defined and are accepted as they are. The more competitors there are, the benefits and growth opportunities diminish, products are standardized to the maximum and competition becomes bloody. By contrast blue oceans are characterized by the creation of markets in areas that are not currently exploited, and that create opportunities for sustained profitable growth and long-term 3. INNOVATIVE COMPANIES This are some examples of successful companies Huawei The Chinese company based in Shenzhen has reached the second position as a provider of telecommunications equipment, ahead of Alcatel Lucent and Nokia. He recently defeated by Nokia Siemens and Ericsson 4G system contract in Norway. This year has reached its global market share to 20%. Apple Apple company has won the award in the categories of gadgets and music. In less than two years, their App Store and sells more than 140,000 applications, and users have downloaded 3 billion to them. He has also continued to develop its iTunes music unit with organic growth and acquisitions as Lala. He has also been able to control an increasingly fiercer distribution channels Google Google has come out victorious in the mobile category (with a 86% share of searches) and video (where YouTube is the top server). Google has been a exelent company to launch new products, as Smartphone Nexus One, Android, operates the largest digital library market . First Solar For years, the race of the global photovoltaic industry has been to minimize the cost of energy production in order to compete with other energy sources. First Solar was the first company to lower the barrier to a dollar per watt, and by the end of 2009 was $ 0.85 Novartis The Swiss drug maker is a constant generator of ideas, after focusing its R D in rare diseases and vaccine development. The Food and Drug Administration has approved no less than nine new drugs last year. refeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee environmental effect it can be define the organizational environment as all the elements that significantly influence the daily operations of the company, dividing them into two: micro environment and macro environment. Microenvironment This consists in real people and organizations with whom they interact with the company. Among the main ones include: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Customers: constituted by groups of persons or institutions who buy the goods and use the services of the organization. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Providers: Providers are company specific, both information and funding, as the raw material that the company needs to operate. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Competition: specific companies that offer goods and services identical or similar to the same groups of customers or clients. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ regulators: who are the agencies and government representatives at the local, state and national laws that punish and regulations affecting business operations within a given country. macroenvironment: understand the social forces that affect the whole microenvironment and includes demographic forces, economic, natural, technological, political, cultural and competitive. Competitive environment, every company must take into account its size and position in the industry with respect to its competitors. To survive, a company must meet the needs and desires of consumers better than does the competition. Economic environment: involves factors affecting purchasing power and spending patterns of consumers. Purchasing power depends on income, prices, savings and credit of the moment Technological environment: the most dramatic force that shapes our destiny is technology. Political environment: consists of laws, government agencies and pressure groups that influence and limit the activities of various organizations and individuals in society. Cultural Environment: includes institutions and other forces affecting the valuesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹, perceptions, preferences and behaviors of society LIDERSHIP Leadership has been defined as the activity of influencing people to strive willingly for the achievement of the objectives of the group. By group we mean a small group, a sector of the organization, an organization. What matters is the organizational leadership in the field. From this definition arise two key areas of leadership: 1) The intellectual process of thinking about the objectives of the organization. 2) The human factor, that is, influence people to voluntarily strive to achieve the objectives. John P. Kotter, in his book The Leadership Factor (1988), says that leadership is characterized by the following: 1) Develop a vision of what should be the organization and generate the necessary strategies to implement the vision. 2) Achieve a network cooperative human resources, which involves a group of highly motivated and committed to make the vision a reality. The definition of leadership cited at the beginning contains a key word voluntarily, which could also be translated as willingly. Not just about influencing people to do but to voluntarily strive to corresponding targets. Approaches These approaches are based on the study of behavior rather than on the depth of personality traits of substantival theories. The most important contributions in this regard have been those of: Theory X and Y Mc Gregor Theory X leads to an autocratic leader performance, and the Y theorie leads to a participatory performance. But being a one-dimensional approach that works with a single variable, the use of authority by the person who leads, is not accourate enough to explain its complexity as is leadership Likert management systems Formulated a model with intermediate degrees between X and Y. To Likert best to lead a team corresponds to a participatory behaviour Likert found that management under the participatory system were most effective and in which showed the best motivation. He built a very comprehensive questionnaire on organizational characteristics, that tests 18 variables classified in the categories Leadership, Motivation, Communication, and others. Its main limitation is that it is only useful in cases where it is intended to improve the lead making it more participatory. In this sense it is more applicable to small groups and instructed personnel. The Managerial Grid of Blake and Mouton This marriage of researchers was able to define a model based on the intersection of two variables: the concern for people and concern for production. While five main positions are standardized, the grid gives possibilities to eighty-one intersection between the two variables. The main contribution is to show that both variables are called mutually. It would be hard to imagine good long-term gains without a committed and motivated personnel. Without doubt, the greatest value of this approach is that it breaks the paradigm dimensional. However, the main criticism he has received is that indicate a unique driving style as best for all circumstances. CHANGE MANAGEMENT It is a process by which organizations move from the present state to a future state,changing in order to increase their effectiveness. A Process to achieve better efficiency, in which an organization achieves its objectives. organizational efficiency is amount of resources the organization has ,to be used to produce a number of products. Levels change When focused on the organization as a whole, we see that this can be divided into four levels at the time of analyzing the changes: Strategic level: proposing a change in the overall objectives of the organization, both in terms of its essential orientation of vision and their reason for their mission. Structural level: proposes a change in the organizational structures, it involves changing authority relations, the coordination mechanisms, redesigning jobs, or similar structural variables Technical level: technology change encompasses changes in how work is processed and the methods and equipment used. Human level: people change refers to changes in attitudes, skills, expectations, perceptions and behavior of employees, including, in turn, according to Daft and Steers (1992) four types of changes: patterns of interaction, skills in human relations and in the basic attitudes, values à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹and motivations of individuals. Thereby changing the behavior of individuals and groups requires the transformation of one or more of the aforementioned levels (Quoted in Romeo, 1999). Models of organizational change Many models are used to carry out or try to explain, in an effective way, the process of change, example is the model of Lewin. Lewin (1951) develops a dynamic theory, which explains that the the behavior is a function of the individuals interaction with his social environment, essentially based on the different groups to which the person belongs. it should focus not only on the individual in isolation, but in this within their social environment, taking as unit change the social group to which the individual belongs. The status quo of the organization, to Lewin (1951) is a state of dynamic equilibrium between forces that tend to help the organization and forces that tend to counteract or prevent wrong decitions, and to effect a change is necessary to break that dynamic balance between these forces. unfreezing is the name given to this initial process where old ideas or practices are suppressed by new ones and can be induced by increasing the driving forces of change growing perception of benefits associated with this, by reducing the resistance or obstacles to change, or combination of both. Following the Change in which new ideas practices. then comes refreezing ,requiring the integration of new insights into the structure of the organizational system . The refreezing state marks the return of the organization to a dynamic balance of forces that support or restrict any intervention. Critical analysis 4. INTRO Few companies can be described as revolutionary and successful, changing markets and consumer behaviours, apple is one of them, a remarkable company that over time has created an identity and an image that impacted in their followers. The technological direction of the company began to build in 1971 when they met Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs. The former is responsible for creating the first Apple computer, while the latter promoted among the major supporters of computing and digital electronics shops. Apple has begun a career that has had its ups and downs due to different administration, Steve Jobs being the most successful, turning the company into one of the largest in history But what does make it a success? Innovation, the key of success, which leads to a competitive advantage. From the beginning of Apples history in 1976, Steve Jobs, the soul of the company, had a different view of its competitors, looking distinguished among its rivals, seeking exclusivity and novelty, as jobs mention, I want to bring an easy to use computer to the market. From here we can analyze that jobs from the start thinking like a consumer, which would win the loyalty of its customers. With the launch of Apple II the computer revolution began, having as the main rival IBM. But what type of innovation strategy do they have at that time? Clearly the development of their products were made by them within their company, all the ideas were in apple, As mentioned in the textbook Apple practised to horizontal and vertical integration relied on its own property design A classic type of linear model innovation, as mentioned in the literature review. Basic research Applied research Development Commercialization The challenges started when IBM developed a faster processor and the use of an open operative system(ms dos) Limitating the sofwares that apple had developed,as well as the slow processor speed, and falling 62% of apple net income between 1982 and 1983 leading to a crisis in the company and the dismissal of Steve Jobs. With the entry of Sculley as CEO, apple tried to gain space in a new market, education, which were driven by its high technology softwares, they recover their market share and stabilized at 8% as (referred in the case study) As the philosophy of Jobs to make things simple, Sculley introduce plug and play peripherals which allow overpricing their products. 4.1 THE STRATEGY At this stage the revenues came from exclusivity rather than cheap products and apple still producing their own monitors, chips and disk drivers, keeping the classic innovation model. But now apple forge and alliance with their main rival, IBM ,creating 2 joint ventures in order to produce new operating systems and multimedia applications, Sculley was replaced in June 1993 by Michael splinder. It was a good decision to change the management? With the new management, changes were inevitable, apple started licence many companies to make Mac clones, trying to reduce costs, which was a poor decision made by splinder, apple lost 69 billion dollars in 1996 After 12 years Steve Jobs returned and became the interim CEO of apple 4.2 NEW BEGINING, NEW IDEAS, INNOVATION With the return of Steve Jobs, Apple returned to the path of innovation. Not only in technology but also in the strategy and business model. For example: Opening its own stores to broaden the scope of the external distribution channel. For the first time apple open and online store to set up direct sales They invest more money on Research and Development Decrease its inventory In 1998 apple gained real profit from their all in one computer, iMac, that could support Microsofts peripherals for the first time. With jobs in command, the company started to reshape quickly. Those were signs that the course was on track, Apple posted a profit of 309 million Dollars 4.3 NEW STRATEGY-BLUE OCEAN The real revolution of apple came with uncontested line of products, the reinvention of portable music devices, the telephone and the tablet. Apple had an outstanding strategy, the digital hub strategy, Mac became the preferred hub to control, integrate and add value to these devices. All started with the iPod As the theory of Blue Ocean, in order to create a new market and escape from the battling Red Ocean a company have to be innovative, different. Apple launched a new concept of music device, the iPod Blue ocean strategy quick analysis (BASED ON IPOD DEVICE) 1. Increase: the music storage can store up to 1000 songs 2. Reduce: energy consumption, up to 10 hours battery 3. Create: ultra portable high performance device, iTunes 4. Eliminate: old concept of music device. Through this commitment to innovation on all fronts in which focused, Apple managed to gain success as 60% of the digital music market. With the iPod, Apple has done what he does best: offer a product Innovative, bringing together high technology, attractive design and a simple interface use. And with its iTunes online store, Jobs offered an innovative business model. iPhone A new revolution of the company would begin with the launch of the iPhone in 2007, a multimedia smart phone with Internet access, touch screen and a minimal hardware interface. His success was such that it would be awarded the Invention of the Year by Time magazine in 2009, Apogee has maintained that through the sale of new issues as the iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4 iPad With a revolutionary concept between smartphone and a laptop (which would later be called tablet), the company lashes out in early 2010 to introduce its new device called iPad. Its multitouch capabilities, wide screen, its innovative design and powerful hardware allowed him to position itself as the most popular product of the year. However not all inventions made à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹by apple where sucesful, not always an Innovative product will be succesful, for instance the Mac Mini and the Apple TV were a failure, But why? Because they havent figured out the right way to create a compelling TV product Most of their best selling products are based on an apple operative system, and a TV box does not need that. Microenvironment FACTORS-SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths: Apple is one of the marks of technological innovation in the worlds largest entertainment. It has a large number of fans who admire the quality of their products. Such loyalty guarantees the permanence of its customers and generates the attraction of new consumers. In turn, Apple products are easy to handle and excellent quality. Weaknesses: Apple has been criticized for antenna problems on its latest iPhone. Moreover, its admission policies iTunes Store applications and user freedom are very restrictive. The costs of their products are usually a little higher. Opportunities: The mobile market is expanding and Apple can leverage its established position in digital distribution. In the course of time, Apple has made a huge acepatacià ³n the AppStore (billion download until this year) developed by various groups of programmers in the world. Furthermore, due to its success, Apple is an interesting market for investment, which has benefited the company in times of crisis. Threats: There is increasing competition in the technology market. Market companies are quick to market with products like the iPhone or iPad. To remain in place, Apple should invest more in research and technological development. Economic crisis. ChNGE Recall that after having problems with the top management of the company he founded, Jobs was fired from Apple Computer in 1985, later founding the company NeXT, which was reabsorbed by the very Apple Computer in 1997, where Jobs is president ( CEO) since. 1. Changes in the board of the company that meant a renewed confidence in the company and markedly increased the stock price of the company. 2. The re-purchase of the licenses the use of PowerPC 750 (G3) of all companies that could make Mac clones (yes, there was a time that I had), so the company re-take control of the hardware in running your operating system. Start of organizational change Create a culture Reduce by 50% to 10% Research Development, and removed the unnecessary worker Launches first product of the new era Jobs. The IMAC computer without a tower, and of different colors, with cd, and no floppy. Jobs realizes the market opportunity that I had in music. After the success of Napster. AND ITUNES product launches, to the IMAC. And you create a culture, a style the best philosophy that a company can have. The music. Sony created the personal music player but did not use the MP3 market 3. The announcement of the Power Mac G3 in November 1997 (new flag) These changes Apple made were to have a profitable quarter ($ 47 million). But after more decisions were taken that catapulted the company to a winning streak that continues to this day: 1. Drastically reduced hardware production line of the company. 2. Because of this reduction is greatly simplified product offering Apple aside rare model names (most identified by numbers) and variations that just confused the current and future customers. 3. The announcement of the iMac and PowerBook G3 in May 1998. Thus Apples offer was reduced to three elements: * Advanced Desktops: PowerMac G3. * Equipment for home desktop: iMac. * Portable: PowerBook G3. 4. Completing hardware divisions that reported earnings as Newton, production printers and accessories. Significantly simplifying the internal structure of Apple. 5. It starts selling the iMac on August 15, 1998 and became the fastest computer sold in history. Apple went from a quarterly loss of $ 740 million in June 1997 to gains above the $ 100 million per quarter in July 1998. In 2009, Apple reported profits over 8 billion dollars per quarter Leadership When analyzing the personality of Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, there are many features that spring to mind to describe this technological genius who profoundly influenced a new generation with products like the iPod, iPad and iTunes. Some, stand for the rest of the business in its category. For example, a person was extremely perfectionist with each of the products created, intuitive to realize that products would have positive results and which are not, studious because researching every detail of your market and competition, and charismatic, because enthused employees to perform their work in a better way. While these qualities we find in some other successful entrepreneurs in their areas, the fact is that there is one that is shared by all innovative leaders: curiosity. Thats because the primary secret of success of Steve Jobs lay in his curiosity, according to Forbes, for example, curiosity led him to study calligraphy, which could create fonts that Apple made known to its original design. Even the same curiosity led him to travel to India to study Eastern mysticism and Zen Buddhism, to seek simplicity of design. And it was precisely this feature which became known as Apple technology company worldwide. This shows that the top executives are not always the most skilled, but are those who exploit the curiosity the most, as their ideas generate creative and successful business. In fact, one of the most famous phrases of Steve Jobs is when you innovate, you run the risk of wrong. Admit and innovates again. This reflects the spirit of entrepreneurship and creativity. Jobs was ahead of his time and embodied everything we thought it would be impossible to do. So do not doubt your ideas or your impulses. If your curiosity leads to new business plan, try. Maybe you can turn those ideas into big business to take you to achieve success in your caption and recognition among your competitors 6. CONCLUSION With the case study over, it has been learned the importance of innovation and the impact that it has in companies around the world, such is apple and its successful history. Also it is important to point out the influence of the strategic planning in order to gain competitive advantage among competitors it has been shown the importance of good management in critical situation and how it can affect the overall direction of a company. the blue ocean strategy has provided relevant information for the understanding of creating opportunities in new markets, for instance in the case of apple, the innovative idea of Steve jobs in the creation of the iPod, iPhone and iPad in the technological market made apple an outstanding successful company in the 21st century despite the fact of the global recession For the purposes of further research this assignment is for free use DANIEL LIZARRAGA References Medina Salgado Espindola and Espinosa 1994 Freeman, C., 1982 the economics of industrial innovation pg 56 Peter Drucker 1985 Innovation and Entrepreneurship pg 28-pg29 Steve Jobs 2005 Stanford university speech Henry Chesbrough Open Services Innovation: Rethinking Your Business to Grow and Compete in a New Era pg 66 Telegraph 2011
Friday, January 17, 2020
Communication Needs
We all have a right to communicate and voice our opinions. If an individual's communication needs are not met, this means they are being deprived of their basic human rights. They will be unable to express themselves and communicate how they are feeling, what they want to do, what they need, etc. If individuals are unable to communicate their needs it will have an impact on their well-being, relationships with family, friends and other members of their community. Explain how own role and practice can impact on communication with an individual who has specific communication needs. In my role as a support assistant it is my duty to ensure that I work in a person-centred way to support, encourage and promote individuals to live independently. This includes treating them with respect and dignity. I speak clearly and not use any jargons, etc. I identify their preferred method of communication. It would be bad practice to not meet the individual's communication needs. The individual may not receive the correct support or assistance. They will be unable to share their views or concerns, or have a say in what happens to them or express how they feel or what they need.They may become frustrated, angry and isolated. They may also become depressed, feel undervalued and have a low self-esteem. Analyse features of the environment that may help or hinder communication Features that may hinder communication may include, poor lighting, lack of privacy, distraction, noise from TV/radio, people all talking at the same time, seating arrangements, not facing individual when talking to them, covering mouth, eating or chewing, talking too fast or too sow, poor ventilation, room too hot or cold. Features that may help communication may include, talking slowly, clearly and concisely, eliminating any background noise, turn TV/radio down or off, sitting individual where they can hear or see what is going on, facing the individual when talking to them, using flash cards, pictures, etc. , not covering mouth, eating or chewing, finding a quiet place to talk, making sure room is well ventilated and at a comfortable temperature Analyse reasons why an individual may use a form of communication that is not based on a formal language system The individual ay be from another country. They may not have been taught a formal language system. They may have developed a system that is easy for them to understand.They may have a hearing or sight impairment or have a learning disability or mental health issues. Identify a range of communication methods and aids to support individuals to communicate A range of communication methods and aids that support individuals to communicate include sign language, body language, interpreters, hearing aids, hearing loops, speech aids, minicom, writing, drawing, pictures, objects, symbols, etc. Describe the potential effects on an individual of having unmet communication needs Unmet communication needs means that the individual is being deprived of their basic human rights. They will not be able to voice their concerns or opinions. The individual may develop mental health problems and may become depressed, frustrated, angry and isolated. This will also have an effect on their relationship with family and friends. Explain how and when to access information and support about identifying and addressing specific communication needs. It is important to take action as soon it has been identified that an individual has specific communication needs. You should establish what the needs are. Talk to the individual, their family, friends or others who are may support the individual to find out how to meet identified needs. Information can be sort from relevant support groups, social services or other professionals with experience in a specific area of communication. The individual's GP can also make a referral to a consultant specialising in the relevant field. Identify specialist services relating to communication technology and aids There is a range of communication technology aids available, including devices known as Voice Output Communication Aids (VOCA) and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC). VOCA are dedicated to communication and may not have any computer functions. AAC devices are either symbol or text based. There are also communication software that can be added to a computer, mobile phone or PDA to enable a person to type what they want to say and play it back so others can hear what was typed. Describe types of support that an individual may need in order to use communication technology aids The device/equipment should be personalised to meet the individual's need and set up correctly. The individual and others supporting them should receive training on how to use the device. The individual should be supported to ead and understand the instructions and to follow any health and safety advice on how to use the device correctly. Explain the importance of ensuring that communication equipment is correctly set up and working properly It is important to ensure that the equipment is set up correctly and working properly otherwise it would be a waste of time and money as the individual's communication needs would still not be met. There could also be health and safety issues if the equipment is not set up or used correctly.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Analysis of The Chronicles of Narnia The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Movie Free Essay Example, 1750 words
Miro visited the Netherlands in 1928 and began a series of paintings inspired by Dutch masters. That year he executed his first papiers coll s and collages. In 1929 he started his experiments in lithography, and his first etchings date from 1933. During the early 1930s he made Surrealist sculptures incorporating painted stones and found objects. Also in 1936 Mir was included in the exhibitions Cubism and Abstract Art and Fantastic Art, Dada, Surrealism at the Museum of Modern Art, New York. The following year he was commissioned to create a monumental work for the Paris World s Fair. In 1941, he began working in ceramics with Josep Llor ns y Artigas and started to concentrate on prints; from 1954 to 1958 he worked almost exclusively in these two mediums. In 1959, he resumed painting, initiating a series of mural-sized canvases. During the 1960s he began to work intensively in sculpture. On the other hand, as an artist, Salvador Dali was not limited to a particular style or media. Th e body of his work, from early impressionist paintings through his transitional surrealist works, and into his classical period, reveals a constantly growing and evolving artist. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Movie or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page In 1917 he met Francis Picabia. In 1920 Mir made his first trip to Paris, where he met Pablo Picasso. In Paris he associated with the poets Max Jacob, Pierre Reverdy, and Tristan Tzara and participated in Dada [more] activities. Dalmau organized Mir s first solo show in Paris, at the Galerie la Licorne in 1921.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Analysis Of The Movie Dear White People By Justin Simien
Racism Still Exist The feature film â€Å"Dear White People†Directed by Justin Simien is a smart and a fearless debut as I have seen from an American filmmaker in quite some time: open to encourage and confident in its own originality. And he deserves the won the U.S. Dramatic Special Jury Award for Breakthrough Talent at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival and Independent Spirit Award for Best First Screenplay. We have heard it a lot that We have a black President so racism must be over? We have seen a lot of stories in just the last couple of years about white People throwing black-themed parties full of insulting racial stereotypes? No other film comes with more buzz than Justin Simien s debut feature, Dear White People, particularly amongst the black community expecting a blistering new voice similar to a Spike Lee. It’s a clever campus comedy that revolves around a handful of hot potatoes  race, sex, privilege, power  with elegant swiftness and only an occasional fumble. If you ever watch this movie then you will want to talk about it afterward, even if the conversation feels a little awkward. If it doesn’t feel awkward then you’re doing it wrong. There is great enjoyment to be found here, and very little comfort. As it sets on Ivy League institution, these institutions are where many of America s leaders and innovators are farmed, but during the process it includes a certain amount of sandbox childishness. It s fortunate that, like The Social Network, Dear White
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