Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Analysis Of The Movie Dear White People By Justin Simien

Racism Still Exist The feature film â€Å"Dear White People† Directed by Justin Simien is a smart and a fearless debut as I have seen from an American filmmaker in quite some time: open to encourage and confident in its own originality. And he deserves the won the U.S. Dramatic Special Jury Award for Breakthrough Talent at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival and Independent Spirit Award for Best First Screenplay. We have heard it a lot that We have a black President so racism must be over? We have seen a lot of stories in just the last couple of years about white People throwing black-themed parties full of insulting racial stereotypes? No other film comes with more buzz than Justin Simien s debut feature, Dear White People, particularly amongst the black community expecting a blistering new voice similar to a Spike Lee. It’s a clever campus comedy that revolves around a handful of hot potatoes — race, sex, privilege, power — with elegant swiftness and only an occasional fumble. If you ever watch this movie then you will want to talk about it afterward, even if the conversation feels a little awkward. If it doesn’t feel awkward then you’re doing it wrong. There is great enjoyment to be found here, and very little comfort. As it sets on Ivy League institution, these institutions are where many of America s leaders and innovators are farmed, but during the process it includes a certain amount of sandbox childishness. It s fortunate that, like The Social Network, Dear White

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